Chester Alan Arthur Quiz

Portrait of Chester A. Arthur located inside the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Signature of Chester Alan Arthur. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(This quiz is about the 21st President of USA.)

Chester Alan Arthur Quiz Questions

1) When was Chester Alan Arthur sworn in as President of USA?
a) 20 September 1881
b) 4 March 1882
c) 20 January 1883
d) 4 November 1884

2) When was Chester Alan Arthur born?
a) 11 January 1832
b) 15 April 1827
c) 2 September 1826
d) 5 October 1829

3) Where was Chester Alan Arthur born?
a) Fairfield
b) Belfast
c) San Francisco
d) Dublin

4) Which college did Chester Alan Arthur attend?
a) Williams College
b) Bethany College
c) Kenyon College
d) Union College

5) Which law firm did Chester Alan Arthur join?
a) Culver and Parker
b) Blair and Booth
c) Jardine and Fleming
d) Clinton and Rodham

6) When Civil War began which post was given to Chester Alan Arthur by New York Governor Edwin Morgan?
a) Postmaster General
b) Quartermaster General
c) Surveyor General
d) Mayor of New York

7) Who fired Chester Alan Arthur from the post of Collector of Customs?
a) Edwin Morgan
b) Rutherford Hayes
c) Ulysses Grant
d) Abraham Lincoln

8) Which Act signed by Chester Alan Arthur was USA’s first civil service law?
a) Tariff Act
b) Chinese Exclusion Act
c) Pendleton Act
d) Nebraska Act

9) Which disease afflicted Chester Alan Arthur?
a) Bright’s
b) Parkinson’s
c) Alzheimer’s
d) Leukemia

10) When did Chester Alan Arthur die?
a) 8 March 1896
b) 9 June 1888
c) 24 September 1885
d) 18 November 1886

Chester Alan Arthur Quiz Questions with Answers

1) When was Chester Alan Arthur sworn in as President of USA?
a) 20 September 1881

2) When was Chester Alan Arthur born?
d) 5 October 1829

3) Where was Chester Alan Arthur born?
a) Fairfield

4) Which college did Chester Alan Arthur attend?
d) Union College

5) Which law firm did Chester Alan Arthur join?
a) Culver and Parker

6) When Civil War began which post was given to Chester Alan Arthur by New York Governor Edwin Morgan?
b) Quartermaster General

7) Who fired Chester Alan Arthur from the post of Collector of Customs?
b) Rutherford Hayes

8) Which Act signed by Chester Alan Arthur was USA’s first civil service law?
c) Pendleton Act

9) Which disease afflicted Chester Alan Arthur?
a) Bright’s

10) When did Chester Alan Arthur die?
d) 18 November 1886