Charles Darwin Quiz

Charles Darwin Quiz Questions

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1) Where was Charles Darwin sent to study medicine?
a) University of Edinburgh
b) London University
c) Grant Medical College
d) St. John’s Medical College

2) On which ship did Charles Darwin sail around the world?
a) Beagle
b) Lusitania
c) Titanic
d) Dufferin

3) Which theory was propounded by Charles Darwin?
a) Theory of Evolution
b) Theory of Gravity
c) Theory of Planetary Motion
d) Theory of Atoms

4) When was “Origin of Species” first published?
a) 1815
b) 1836
c) 1842
d) 1859

5) Where was the Theory of Evolution debated on 30 June 1960?
a) Buckingham Palace
b) Oxford University
c) Louvre Museum
d) Versailles Palace

6) Who coined the phrase “Survival of the fittest”?
a) Charles Darwin
b) Herbert Spencer
c) Thomas Huxley
d) Joseph Hooker

7) Which club was formed by naturalists in 1864?
a) Country Club
b) City Club
c) X Club
d) Z Club

8) Who argued against natural selection in his book “On the Genesis of Species”?
a) Adam Sedgwick
b) George Mivart
c) George Busk
d) William Baldwin

9) Who claimed that Charles Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed?
a) Elizabeth Hope
b) Margaret Noble
c) Bertrand Russell
d) Oliver Cromwell

10) Who refuted the claim that Charles Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed?
a) William Darwin
b) Henrietta Darwin
c) Ann Darwin
d) Francis Darwin

Charles Darwin Quiz Questions with Answers

1) Where was Charles Darwin sent to study medicine?
a) University of Edinburgh

2) On which ship did Charles Darwin sail around the world?
a) Beagle

3) Which theory was propounded by Charles Darwin?
a) Theory of Evolution

4) When was “Origin of Species” first published?
d) 1859

5) Where was the Theory of Evolution debated on 30 June 1960?
b) Oxford University

6) Who coined the phrase “Survival of the fittest”?
b) Herbert Spencer

7) Which club was formed by naturalists in 1864?
c) X Club

8) Who argued against natural selection in his book “On the Genesis of Species”?
b) George Mivart

9) Who claimed that Charles Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed?
a) Elizabeth Hope

10) Who refuted the claim that Charles Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed?
b) Henrietta Darwin