Cesare Borgia Quiz

Portrait of Cesare Borgia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cesare Borgia Quiz Questions

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1. Who was Cesare Borgia’s mother?
a) Anne de Pisseleu
b) Frances Teresa Stuart
c) Jeanne Antoinette
d) Vannozza Catanei

2. At which university did Cesare Borgia get a degree in canon law and civil law?
a) Milan
b) Perugia
c) Barcelona
d) Sorbonne

3. Of which diocese was Cesare Borgia bishop?
a) Pamplona
b) Madrid
c) Cadiz
d) Seville

4. Of which archdiocese was Cesare Borgia archbishop?
a) Vienna
b) Valencia
c) Amsterdam
d) Brussels

5. What name did Rodrigo Borgia take when he was elected pope?
a) Alexander VI
b) Calixtus III
c) Pius II
d) Eugenius IV

6. When did Cesare Borgia give up cardinalate?
a) 1492
b) 1496
c) 1498
d) 1484

7. Who conferred on Cesare Borgia the title of duke of Valentinois?
a) Charles VIII
b) Philip IV
c) Ferdinand II
d) Louis XII

8. Who presented Cesare Borgia as a model in his book The Prince?
a) Dante Alighieri
b) Niccolo Machiavelli
c) Victor Hugo
d) Christopher Marlowe

9. When did Cesare Borgia execute rebel commanders at Sinigaglia?
a) 6 February 1501
b) 14 May 1498
c) 8 August 1504
d) 31 December 1502

10. Who did not confirm Cesare Borgia as captain general and had him arrested?
a) Sixtus IV
b) Leo X
c) Julius II
d) Pius V

Cesare Borgia Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Who was Cesare Borgia’s mother?
d) Vannozza Catanei

2. At which university did Cesare Borgia get a degree in canon law and civil law?
b) Perugia

3. Of which diocese was Cesare Borgia bishop?
a) Pamplona

4. Of which archdiocese was Cesare Borgia archbishop?
b) Valencia

5. What name did Rodrigo Borgia take when he was elected pope?
a) Alexander VI

6. When did Cesare Borgia give up cardinalate?
c) 1498

7. Who conferred on Cesare Borgia the title of duke of Valentinois?
d) Louis XII

8. Who presented Cesare Borgia as a model in his book The Prince?
b) Niccolo Machiavelli

9. When did Cesare Borgia execute rebel commanders at Sinigaglia?
d) 31 December 1502

10. Who did not confirm Cesare Borgia as captain general and had him arrested?
c) Julius II