Category: Science

Eagle Quiz

1) What are eagles? a) Talking birds b) Large birds of prey c) Singing birds d) Birds of carrying messages 2) To which order eagle belongs? a) Tinamiformes b) Craciformes c) Falconinformes d) Galliformes 3) Which eagle preys on sloths and monkeys? a) Harpy eagle b) Sea eagle c) Caucasian eagle d) Serpent eagle

Jupiter Quiz

1) Who discovered the first four satellites of Jupiter? a) Christiaan Huygens b) Johannes Kepler c) Galileo Galilei d) Thomas Pickering 2) Which spacecraft first visited Jupiter? a) Pioneer 8 b) Pioneer 10 c) Ulysses d) Volyager 1 3) Who is Jupiter in mythology? a) God of fire b) King of gods c) God of forest d) God of air

Edward Jenner Quiz

1. What did Edward Jenner discover? a) Aspirin b) Vaccination for cholera c) Penicillin d) Vaccination for smallpox 2. When was Edward Jenner born? a) 7 March 1745 b) 17 May 1749 c) 12 September 1738 d) 29 December 1742 3. Where was Edward Jenner born? a) Berkley b) Liverpool c) Plymouth d) Chelsea

Wendell Stanley Quiz

1. When did Wendell Stanley win Nobel Prize for Chemistry? a) 1932 b) 1946 c) 1921 d) 1937 2. When was Wendell Stanley born? a) 15 February 1902 b) 5 June 1898 c) 16 August 1904 d) 12 October 1902 3. Where was Wendell Stanley born? a) Liberty b) Delphi c) Fowler d) Ridgeville

Otto Warburg Quiz

1. When did Otto Warburg win Nobel Prize for Medicine? a) 1923 b) 1931 c) 1924 d) 1926 2. When was Otto Warburg born? a) 5 February 1877 b) 1 May 1872 c) 8 October 1883 d) 3 August 1881 3. Where was Otto Warburg born? a) Rostock b) Essen c) Potsdam d) Freiburg im Breisgau

Richard Errett Smalley Quiz

Nobel laureate Richard Smalley (Rice University) speaking about nanotechnology, nanotubes, and energy at the United States Department of Energy Nanoscale Science Research Centers (NSRC) Workshop, February 26-28, 2003. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Richard Errett Smalley Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When did Richard Errett Smalley win Nobel Prize for Chemistry? a) 1996 b) 1982 c) 1994 d) 2004 2. When was Richard Errett Smalley born? a) 9 March 1948 b) 6 June 1943 c) 7 July 1944 d) 11 November 1942 3. Where was Richard Errett Smalley born? a) Olympia b) San Francisco c) Akron d) Boston 4. Which ... Read more

Sigmund Freud Quiz

1. When was Sigmund Freud born? a) 3 February 1864 b) 6 May 1856 c) 14 August 1867 d) 30 December 1865 2. Where was Sigmund Freud born? a) Freiberg b) Hamburg c) Budapest d) Prague 3. What did Sigmund Freud found? a) Botany b) Geometry c) Psychoanalysis d) Archaeology

Marie Curie Quiz

1. When was Marie Curie born? a) 7 November 1867 b) 5 July 1864 c) 12 May 1857 d) 9 January 1862 2. Where was Marie Curie born? a) Danzig b) London c) Moscow d) Warsaw 3. What was Marie Curie’s original name? a) Maria Goretti b) Marie Antoinette c) Maria Sklodowska d) Mary Tudor

James Black Quiz

James Black (Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons) James Black Quiz Questions 1. When did James Black get Nobel Prize for Medicine? a) 1976 b) 1964 c) 1988 d) 1992 2. When was James Black born? a) 17 January 1914 b) 14 June 1924 c) 31 August 1928 d) 12 October 1920 3. Where was James Black born? a) Glasgow b) Edinburgh c) Cardiff d) Uddington 4. Which university did James Black attend? a) St. Andrews b) Victoria c) Cambridge d) Oxford 5. Which laboratory did James Black join in 1964? a) Wellcome Research Laboratories b) Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory c) Fermi National ... Read more

Charles Francis Richter Quiz

1) When was Charles Francis Richter born? a) 31 January 1876 b) 26 April 1900 c) 1 September 1909 d) 3 November 1910 2) Where was Charles Francis Richter born? a) Berlin b) Hamilton c) Austin d) Sacramento 3) Which university did Charles Francis Richter attend in 1916-1917? a) University of Southern California b) University of Boston c) University of Michigan d) University of Atlanta