Category: Russia

Mikhail Gorbachev Quiz

1. When was Mikhail Gorbachev General Secretary of Communist Party of USSR? a) 1953-1964 b) 1982-1983 c) 1985-1991 d) 1964-1982 2. When was Mikhail Gorbachev born? a) 2 March 1931 b) 4 April 1932 c) 15 August 1928 d) 30 December 1934 3. Where was Mikhail Gorbachev born? a) Petrograd b) Privolnoye c) Tashkent d) Vladivostok

Russia Quiz

1) Who succeeded Boris Yeltsin as President of Russia? a) Alexander Lebed b) Vladimir Putin c) Gary Kasparov d) Mikhail Gorbachev 2) When was Moscow Olympics held? a) 1964 b) 1980 c) 1996 d) 2004 3) Which city is considered Third Rome? a) St. Petersburg b) Moscow c) Kiev d) Yekatinburg 4) Who is the first woman in space? a) Sunita Williams b) Kalpana Chawla c) Valentina Tereshkova d) Nadia Petrova

Konstantin Chernenko Quiz

1) When was Konstantin Chernenko born? a) 22 January 1909 b) 19 May 1912 c) 24 September 1911 d) 14 November 1918 2) Where was Konstantin Chernenko born? a) Bolshaya Tes b) Nagutskoye c) Dushanbe d) Tashkent 3) When did Konstantin Chernenko join the Communist Party? a) 1921 b) 1925 c) 1931 d) 1945

Yuri Gagarin Quiz

1) When did Yuri Gagarin orbit the earth? a) 5 October 1957 b) 6 June 1959 c) 4 November 1960 d) 12 April 1961 2) Which spacecraft was used by Yuri Gagarin to orbit the earth? a) Luna 7 b) Luna 8 c) Vostok 1 d) Vostok 2 3) From where did the spacecraft carrying Yuri Gagarin take off? a) Moscow b) Leningrad c) Vladivostok d) Baikanour

Catherine II Quiz

1. When was Catherine II born? a) 2 May 1729 b) 1 March 1710 c) 19 August 1714 d) 8 December 1732 2. Where was Catherine II born? a) Berlin b) Munich c) Szczcen d) Frankfurt 3. What was Catherine II’s name at the time of her birth? a) Sophia Augusta Frederika b) Maria Theresa c) Jane Seymour d) Margaret Tudor

Nikita Khrushchev Quiz

1) When was Nikita Khrushchev born? a) 22 February 1876 b) 17 April 1894 c) 21 July 1896 d) 31 December 1900 2) Where was Nikita Khrushchev born? a) Tbilisi b) Kalinovka c) Bratislava d) Prague 3) Which party did Nikita Khrushchev join? a) Menshevik Party b) Liberal Party c) Russian Communist Party d) Royalist Party

Boris Yeltsin Quiz

Boris Yeltsin Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Boris Yeltsin president of Russia? a) 1964-1982 b) 1990-1999 c) 1982-1984 d) 2004-2008 2. When was Boris Yeltsin born? a) 1 February 1931 b) 18 April 1926 c) 23 August 1929 d) 30 November 1925 3. Where was Boris Yeltsin born? a) Minsk b) Tashkent c) Sverdlovsk d) Dushanbe

Svetlana Alliluyeva Quiz

1. What was Svetlana Alliluyeva’s original name? a) Galina Ulanova b) Svetlana Iosifovna Stalina c) Nadezhda Konstantina Krupskaya d) Fanny Kaplan 2. When was Svetlana Alliluyeva born? a) 28 February 1926 b) 16 May 1922 c) 14 August 1928 d) 21 December 1924 3. Where was Svetlana Alliluyeva born? a) St. Petersburg b) Yekaterinburg c) Moscow d) Tashkent

Francis Galton Quiz

Francis Galton Quiz Questions with Answers 1. When was Francis Galton born? a) 16 February 1822 b) 14 May 1832 c) 21 August 1836 d) 30 December 1825 2. Where was Francis Galton born? a) Giessen b) Birmingham c) Windhoek d) Cairo 3. Which scientist was Francis Galton’s cousin? a) Erasmus Darwin b) Karl Pearson c) William Hopkins d) Charles Darwin

Leonid Brezhnev Quiz

1) When was Leonid Brezhnev born? a) 14 March 1896 b) 18 May 1894 c) 28 August 1902 d) 19 December 1906 2) Where was Leonid Brezhnev born? a) Yekatinburgh b) Kamenskoye c) Vladivostok d) Dushanbe 3) Which campaign did Leonid Brezhnev implement in Kazhakstan in 1954? a) Campaign against hunger and disease b) Virgin and Idle Lands Campaign c) Cleanliness campaign d) Fisheries campaign