Category: Rulers Emperors Monarchs Kings Queens

Vespasian Quiz

1. When was Vespasian Roman emperor? a) 81-96 b) 79-81 c) 69-79 d) 54-68 2. When was Vespasian born? a) 4 March 6 b) 14 April 10 c) 15 August 15 d) 17 November 9 3. Where was Vespasian born? a) Lugdunum b) Antium c) Reate d) Berne

Nero Quiz

1. When was Nero Roman emperor? a) 41-54 b) 79-81 c) 69-79 d) 54-68 2. When was Nero born? a) 19 March 24 b) 12 June 18 c) 1 August 32 d) 15 December 37 3. Where was Nero born? a) Lugdunum b) Antium c) Lyon d) Berne

Julius Caesar Quiz

1) Who ordered Julius Caesar to divorce Cornelia? a) Brutus b) Sulla c) Spartacus d) Cassius 2) From whom did Julius Caesar get ships for Rome in 79 BC? a) Mithridates b) Nicomedes c) Cyrus d) Alexander 3) When was Julius Caesar elected chief priest? a) 63 BC b) 65 BC c) 67 BC d) 68 BC

Catherine Parr Quiz

1. Who was Catherine Parr’s father? a) William Parr b) Thomas Parr c) Richard Parr d) Henry Parr 2. What was John Neville’s estate called? a) Snape Hall b) Ockwells Manor c) Marble Mansion d) Diamond Dwelling 3. When did Catherine Parr marry Henry VIII? a) 9 February 1544 b) 5 May 1546 c) 15 July 1543 d) 7 December 1545

Francis Joseph Quiz

1. When was Francis Joseph emperor of Austria? a) 1848-1916 b) 1918-1922 c) 1830-1840 d) 1821-1830 2. When was Francis Joseph king of Hungary? a) 1848-1866 b) 1821-1840 c) 1867-1916 d) 1922-1940 3. When was Francis Joseph born? a) 2 March 1800 b) 17 May 1810 c) 18 August 1830 d) 14 November 1840

Victoria Quiz

1) Which kingdom was not inherited by Victoria because she was a woman? a) England b) Ireland c) Hanover d) Scotland 2) When was the reign of Victoria? a) 1760-1820 b) 1558-1603 c) 1837-1901 d) 1910-1936 3) When was Victoria crowned? a) 28 June 1838 b) 24 May 1819 c) 28 May 1937 d) 1 June 1558

Desiree Clary Quiz

1. When was Desiree Clary born? a) 9 January 1784 b) 5 May 1782 c) 8 August 1780 d) 8 November 1777 2. Where was Desiree Clary born? a) Marseille b) Nice c) Amiens d) Brussels 3. Who married Desiree Clary’s sister Julie? a) Joachim Murat b) Joseph Bonaparte c) Lucien Bonaparte d) Camillo Borghese

Akbar Quiz

1) When was the second battle of Panipat? a) 1191 b) 1540 c) 1556 d) 1757 2) Who was defeated in the second battle of Panipat? a) Ambhi b) Hemu c) Ramarao d) Ajathashatru 3) What is the meaning of Akbar? a) Sword b) Fire c) Great d) Small

Henry IV Quiz

1. When was Henry IV king of England? 1422-1461 1216-1272 1399-1413 1461-1470Correct Answer: 1399-1413 2. Where was Henry IV born? Bolingbroke Monmouth Windsor EdinburghCorrect Answer: Bolingbroke 3. Whom did Henry IV depose? James II Charles II Edward II Richard IICorrect Answer: Richard II 4. Which was Henry IV’s dynasty? Tudor Lancastrian Stuart HannoverCorrect Answer: Lancastrian 5. Who led Welsh rebellion against Henry IV? Owen Glendower Thomas Mowbray Thomas of Woodstock John BeaufortCorrect Answer: Owen Glendower 6. When did Henry IV’s forces kill Henry Percy near Shrewsbury? 15 January 1401 21 July 1403 18 April 1412 22 December 1418Correct Answer: 21 ... Read more

Henry III Quiz

11. When was Henry III king of England? 1199-1216 1216-1272 1460-1470 1422-1435Correct Answer: 1216-1272 12. When was Henry III born? 15 March 1400 19 April 1201 16 September 1155 1 October 1207Correct Answer: 1 October 1207 13. Where was Henry III born? Sandringham Monmouth Winchester EdinburghCorrect Answer: Winchester 14. Who threatened to excommunicate Henry III for not meeting the obligation to finance papal wars? Innocent II Alexander IV Julius II Urban VIIICorrect Answer: Alexander IV 15. What plan of reforms was accepted by Henry III in 1258? Provisions of Oxford Magna Carta Bill of Rights Declaration of IndependenceCorrect Answer: Provisions ... Read more