Category: Religion

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Quiz

1. When was St. Frances Xavier Cabrini born? 10 January 1843 30 April 1846 15 July 1850 5 November 1860Correct Answer: 15 July 1850 2. Where was St. Frances Xavier Cabrini born? Buenos Aires Sant’ Angelo Lodigiano Madrid Rio de JaneiroCorrect Answer: Sant’ Angelo Lodigiano 3. What was St. Frances Xavier Cabrini’s original name? Maria Francesca Cabrini Agatha Pagani Rosa Cavadini Sophia OrlandiCorrect Answer: Maria Francesca Cabrini 4. Where was St. Frances Xavier Cabrini superior of an orphanage? Paris Codogno Berne ViennaCorrect Answer: Codogno 5. When did St. Frances Xavier Cabrini found Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart? 1876 1885 ... Read more

St. John Fisher Quiz

11. Where was St. John Fisher born? Beverly Lambeth Plymouth EdinburghCorrect Answer: Beverly 12. Whom did St. John Fisher persuade to found Christ’s College and St. John’s College? Elizabeth of York Catherine of Aragon Margaret Beaufort Eleanor of AquitaineCorrect Answer: Margaret Beaufort 13. Of which university was St. John Fisher chancellor? Oxford Cambridge Manchester LiverpoolCorrect Answer: Cambridge 14. Of which diocese St. John Fisher bishop? Aberdeen Bristol Harrow RochesterCorrect Answer: Rochester 15. What was done to St. John Fisher when he refused to accept Henry VIII as the Head of the Church of England? Imprisoned Exiled Demoted WhippedCorrect Answer: Imprisoned ... Read more

Clement IV Quiz

(Clement IV is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 21. Where was Gui Foulques born? Saint-Gilles Venice Fano BerneCorrect Answer: Saint-Gilles 22. When Gui Foulques’ wife died how many children did she leave? Two sons Two daughters One son, one daughter Two sons, one daughterCorrect Answer: Two daughters 23. Of which diocese was Gui Foulques bishop? Albany Pistoia Le Puy UlmCorrect Answer: Le Puy 24. Of which archdiocese was Gui Foulques archbishop? Milan Narbonne Florence ParisCorrect Answer: Narbonne 25. When was Clement IV elected pope? 5 February 1265 4 April 1254 6 August 1258 ... Read more

Honorius III Quiz

(Honorius III is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 31. Where was Cencio Savelli born? Rome Milan Venice ParisCorrect Answer: Rome 32. Who created Cencio Savelli cardinal? Urban II Sixtus I Innocent III Gregory IXCorrect Answer: Innocent III 33. When did Cencio Savelli become papal chamberlain? 1176 1188 1180 1184Correct Answer: 1188 34. When was Honorius III elected pope? 1 March 1245 3 June 1212 18 July 1216 3 December 1220Correct Answer: 18 July 1216 35. When was Honorius III crowned pope? 31 August 1216 5 January 1221 11 April 1245 15 December 1220Correct ... Read more

Clement III Quiz

(Clement III is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 41. Where was Paolo Scolari born? Verona Anjou Springfield RomeCorrect Answer: Rome 42. Of which basilica was Paolo Scolari archpriest? St. Peter’s St. John Lateran St. Paul outside the Walls St. Mary MajorCorrect Answer: St. Mary Major 43. Of which diocese was Paolo Scolari bishop? Ostia Palestrina Sabina AlbanoCorrect Answer: Palestrina 44. When was Clement III elected pope? 7 January 1185 4 June 1182 1 September 1176 19 December 1187Correct Answer: 19 December 1187 45. Where was Clement III elected pope? Viterbo Pisa Anagni LyonCorrect ... Read more

Gregory VIII Quiz

(Gregory VIII is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 51. Where was Alberto De Morra born? Benevento Marlborough Copenhagen AmiensCorrect Answer: Benevento 52. To which order did Alberto De Morra belong? Carthusian Dominican Benedictine CistercianCorrect Answer: Cistercian 53. Who created Alberto De Morra cardinal? Urban II Adrian IV Innocent III Gregory IXCorrect Answer: Adrian IV 54. Whom did Alberto De Morra crown king of Portugal on behalf of the pope? Alfonso II Richard III Leopold II Francis IICorrect Answer: Alfonso II 55. When was Gregory VIII elected pope? 31 January 1184 1 April 1182 ... Read more

Urban III Quiz

(Urban III is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 61. Where was Umberto Crivelli born? Valetta Milan Nicosia WarsawCorrect Answer: Milan 62. Who created Umberto Crivelli cardinal? Urban II Sixtus I Lucius III Gregory IXCorrect Answer: Lucius III 63. Of which archdiocese was Umberto Crivelli archbishop? Barcelona York Paris MilanCorrect Answer: Milan 64. When was Urban III elected pope? 25 March 1188 9 June 1187 2 September 1186 25 November 1185Correct Answer: 25 November 1185 65. Whom did Urban III excommunicate for crowing Henry VI king of Italy? Catholicos of Armenia Primate of Poland ... Read more

Alexander III Quiz

(Alexander III is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 71. Where was Rolando Bandinelli born? Chichester Ulm Siena MantuaCorrect Answer: Siena 72. Where was Rolando Bandinelli professor of law? Bologna Paris Barcelona LisbonCorrect Answer: Bologna 73. Where did Rolando Bandinelli refer to the Holy Roman Empire as a benefice of the papacy? Dublin Beanscon Tripoli RabatCorrect Answer: Beanscon 74. Who was the Holy Roman Emperor during the papacy of Alexander III? Charles V Frederick Barbarossa George VI Louis XVIIICorrect Answer: Frederick Barbarossa 75. What name was taken by Cardinal Octavius, the antipope elected by ... Read more

Eugene III Quiz

(Eugene III is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 81. Which order did Bernardo di Pisa join? Augustinian Cistercian Dominican BenedictineCorrect Answer: Cistercian 82. Of which monastery was Bernardo di Pisa abbot when he was elected pope? St. Teresa of Avila St. John Chrysostom St. Polycarp Sts. Vincent and AnastasiusCorrect Answer: Sts. Vincent and Anastasius 83. When was Eugene III elected pope? 15 February 1145 19 June 1132 15 September 1135 17 December 1128Correct Answer: 15 February 1145 84. Who forced Eugene III into exile? Attila Arnold of Brescia Flavius Aetius AlaricCorrect Answer: Arnold ... Read more

Lucius II Quiz

(Lucius II is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 91. Where was Gherardo Caccianemici born? Bologna Florence Anagni VeniceCorrect Answer: Bologna 92. Who created Gherardo Caccianemici cardinal? John VII Gregory V Callixtus II Benedict VCorrect Answer: Callixtus II 93. Who appointed Gherardo Caccianemici papal chancellor? Agapetus II Leo VI Sergius IV Innocent IICorrect Answer: Innocent II 94. In whose election as king did Gherardo Caccianemici play a part as papal legate in Germany? Olaf II Lothair III William II George IVCorrect Answer: Lothair III 95. When was Lucius II elected pope? 12 March 1144 ... Read more