Category: Nobel Prize Winners

Niels Bohr Quiz

1. When did Niels Bohr win Nobel Prize for Physics? 1923 1922 1924 1927Correct Answer: 1922 2. When was Niels Bohr born? 4 January 1886 18 May 1878 10 September 1880 7 October 1885Correct Answer: 7 October 1885 3. Where was Niels Bohr born? Oslo Stockholm Copenhagen HelsinkiCorrect Answer: Copenhagen 4. When did Niels Bohr receive doctorate? 1911 1901 1906 1908Correct Answer: 1911 5. For what did Niels Bohr win Nobel Prize for Physics? Discovery of anomalies in alloys Investigation of atomic structure and radiation Work in X-Ray spectroscopy Development of wireless telegraphyCorrect Answer: Investigation of atomic structure and radiation ... Read more

Linus Pauling Quiz

Linus Carl Pauling
1. When did Linus Pauling win Nobel Prize for Chemistry? a) 1954 b) 1945 c) 1951 d) 1947 2. When did Linus Pauling win Nobel Prize for Peace? a) 1958 b) 1962 c) 1960 d) 1957 3. When was Linus Pauling born? a) 28 February 1901 b) 5 July 1900 c) 15 May 1909 d) 9 December 1902

Glenn Theodore Seaborg Quiz

Glenn Seaborg
1. When did Glenn Theodore Seaborg win Nobel Prize for Chemistry? a) 1951 b) 1942 c) 1958 d) 1946 2. When was Glenn Theodore Seaborg born? a) 24 January 1914 b) 19 April 1912 c) 3 July 1908 d) 9 December 1906 3. Where was Glenn Theodore Seaborg born? a) Weymouth b) Berkeley c) Denver d) Ishpeming

Arthur Harden Quiz

1. When did Arthur Harden win Nobel Prize for Chemistry? a) 1912 b) 1905 c) 1929 d) 1907 2. When was Arthur Harden born? a) 12 October 1865 b) 5 June 1864 c) 2 September 1861 d) 15 January 1862 3. Where was Arthur Harden born? a) Bristol b) Manchester c) Surrey d) Ipswich

Wendell Stanley Quiz

1. When did Wendell Stanley win Nobel Prize for Chemistry? a) 1932 b) 1946 c) 1921 d) 1937 2. When was Wendell Stanley born? a) 15 February 1902 b) 5 June 1898 c) 16 August 1904 d) 12 October 1902 3. Where was Wendell Stanley born? a) Liberty b) Delphi c) Fowler d) Ridgeville

Otto Warburg Quiz

1. When did Otto Warburg win Nobel Prize for Medicine? a) 1923 b) 1931 c) 1924 d) 1926 2. When was Otto Warburg born? a) 5 February 1877 b) 1 May 1872 c) 8 October 1883 d) 3 August 1881 3. Where was Otto Warburg born? a) Rostock b) Essen c) Potsdam d) Freiburg im Breisgau

Rabindranath Tagore Quiz

1) When was Rabindranath Tagore born? a) 7 May 1861 b) 12 June 1858 c) 22 March 1865 d) 31 August 1871 2) Where was Rabindranath Tagore born? a) Calcutta b) Murshidabad c) Serampore d) Chandranagore 3) What is Rabindranath Tagore’s father’s name? a) Narendranath b) Hridayanath c) Rajmohan d) Debendranath 4) What is Rabindranath Tagore’s mother’s name? a) Sharada Devi b) Sharmila c) Sarojini Devi d) Padmaja

St. Teresa of Calcutta Quiz

11. What was St. Teresa of Calcutta’s original name? Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu Edith Stein Alice Labor Mary Magdalene Dietrich Correct Answer: Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu 12. When was St. Teresa of Calcutta born? 6 February 1914 8 April 1912 26 August 1910 18 December 1908 Correct Answer: 26 August 1910 13. Where was St. Teresa of Calcutta born? Rathfarnham Skopje Belgrade Dublin Correct Answer: Skopje 14. Which congregation did St. Teresa of Calcutta join? Daughters of Charity Ursuline Franciscan Cloistered Carmel Sisters of Loreto Correct Answer: Sisters of Loreto 15. When did St. Teresa of Calcutta come to India? 1929 1926 ... Read more