Category: Literature

William Faulkner Quiz

William Faulkner
1. When did William Faulkner get Nobel Prize for Literature? a) 1941 b) 1949 c) 1945 d) 1938 2. When was William Faulkner born? a) 3 February 1864 b) 17 May 1862 c) 25 September 1897 d) 30 December 1865 3. Where was William Faulkner born? a) New Albany b) Springfield c) New Orleans d) Baton Rouge

Margaret Mitchell Quiz

Margaret Mitchell
1. Which novel won Margaret Mitchell Pulitzer Prize in 1937? a) Atlas Shrugged b) The Good Earth c) Dragon Seed d) Gone with the Wind 2. When was Margaret Mitchell born? a) 10 February 1889 b) 26 June 1892 c) 11 July 1894 d) 8 November 1900 3. Where was Margaret Mitchell born? a) Atlanta b) Portland c) Chicago d) Baton Rouge

Bertrand Russell Quiz

Bertrand Russell
1. When was Bertrand Russell born? a) 4 March 1868 b) 18 May 1872 c) 9 August 1881 d) 14 November 1869 2. Where was Bertrand Russell born? a) Cardiff b) Greenwich c) Trelleck d) Windsor 3. Which college did Bertrand Russell attend? a) Pembroke College b) Trinity College c) Christ’s College d) St. Xavier’s College

Carl Sandburg Quiz

1. Which book won Carl Sandburg Pulitzer Prize in 1940? a) Good Morning, America b) The People, Yes c) Abraham Lincoln: The War Years d) The American Songbag 2. When was Carl Sandburg born? a) 6 January 1878 b) 9 April 1882 c) 12 July 1876 d) 18 October 1874 3. Where was Carl Sandburg born? a) Milwaukee b) Galesburg c) Pittsburg d) Gary 4. During which war was Carl Sandburg in the army? a) Mexican b) Vietnam c) Spanish-American d) Korean 5. Of which party was Carl Sandburg member? a) Republican b) Social Democratic c) Green d) Conservative

Robert Frost Quiz

1. Which book won Robert Frost his first Pulitzer Prize? a) Mountain Interval b) New Hampshire c) A Further Range d) A Witness Tree 2. When was Robert Frost born? a) 26 March 1874 b) 14 May 1878 c) 9 August 1872 d) 9 December 1870 3. Where was Robert Frost born? a) Peking b) San Francisco c) Derry d) Franconia

Liu Xiaobo Quiz

When did Liu Xiaobo win Nobel Prize for Peace? When was Liu Xiaobo born? Where was Liu Xiaobo born? From which university did Liu Xiaobo earn his bachelor’s degree in Chinese Literature? From which university did Liu Xiaobo earn his master’s degree in Chinese Literature? When was Liu Xiaobo’s first book Criticism of the Choice: Dialogues with Li Zehou published? Which charter did Liu Xiaobo help draft? When was Liu Xiaobo sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment for inciting subversion of state power? For what did Liu Xiaobo win Nobel Prize for Peace? Where did Liu Xiaobo die?

William Ernest Henley Quiz

Where was William Ernest Henley born? Gloucester Edinburgh Stirling Falkirk Which disease afflicted William Ernest Henley? Amnesia Leukemia Insomnia Tuberculosis William Ernest Henley’s one leg had to be amputated. Who saved the other leg from amputation? James Syme Louis Pasteur Alexander Fleming Joseph Lister

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quiz

1. When was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born? a) 7 January 1754 b) 8 June 1752 c) 28 August 1749 d) 3 December 1748 2. Where was Johann Wolfgang von Goethe born? a) Frankfurt am Main b) Rome c) Naples d) Herculaneum 3. Where did Johann Wolfgang von Goethe study law in 1765-1768? a) Berlin b) Hamburg c) Leipzig d) Munich

Graham Greene Quiz

1. When was Graham Greene born? a) 21 March 1908 b) 27 May 1903 c) 27 September 1902 d) 2 October 1904 2. Where was Graham Greene born? a) Freetown b) Havana c) Berkhamsted d) Saigon 3. Which college did Graham Greene attend? a) Corpus Christi College b) Merton College c) King’s College d) Balliol College

Derek Walcott Quiz

41. When did Derek Walcott win Nobel Prize for Literature? 1985 1992 1996 2004Correct Answer: 1992 42. When was Derek Walcott born? 23 January 1930 14 June 1928 9 September 1922 5 November 1918Correct Answer: 23 January 1930 43. Where was Derek Walcott born? Boston Port Antonio Castries NegrilCorrect Answer: Castries 44. Which college in Saint Lucia did Derek Walcott attend? Our Lady of Fatima College Good Shepherd College Holy Family College Saint Mary’s CollegeCorrect Answer: Saint Mary’s College 45. Which Derek Walcott play won an Obie Award in 1971? Pantomime In a Fine Castle Dream on Monkey Mountain RemembranceCorrect ... Read more