Category: Italy

Virgil Quiz

Virgil Quiz Questions with Answers 1. What was Virgil’s original name? a) Publius Vergilius Maro b) Sextus Pompeius Pius c) Marcus Vispanius Agrippa d) Lucius Varius Rufus 2. When was Virgil born? a) 27 January 90 BC b) 24 May 82 BC c) 23 July 76 BC d) 15 October 70 BC 3. Where was Virgil born? a) Naples b) Andes c) Florence d) Venice

Michelangelo Quiz

1) When was Michelangelo born? a) 9 April 1472 b) 16 September 1481 c) 19 November 1480 d) 6 March 1475 2) Where was Michelangelo born? a) Budapest b) Nicosia c) Caprese d) Valetta 3) What was Michelangelo’s full name? a) Michaelangelo y pais y noronha y sequeira b) Michelangelo di Ludovico di Lionardo di Buonarroti Simoni c) Michaelangelo Roncalli d) Michaelangelo Cacciavillan

Giuseppe Piazzi Quiz

1. When did Giuseppe Piazzi discover Ceres? a) 1 January 1801 b) 6 May 1804 c) 4 August 1809 d) 8 November 1805 2. When was Giuseppe Piazzi born? a) 2 February 1756 b) 4 April 1751 c) 16 July 1746 d) 9 December 1741 3. Where was Giuseppe Piazzi born? a) Turin b) Ponte de Valtellina c) Milan d) Venice

Ernesto Teodoro Moneta Quiz

1. When did Ernesto Teodoro Moneta get Nobel Prize for Peace? a) 1907 b) 1912 c) 1916 d) 1914 2. When was Ernesto Teodoro Moneta born? a) 6 January 1835 b) 11 May 1830 c) 20 September 1833 d) 5 December 1836 3. Where was Ernesto Teodoro Moneta born? a) Venice b) Milan c) Turin d) Florence 4. Against which rule did Ernesto Teodoro Moneta participate in an insurrection? a) Austrian b) French c) German d) Spanish

Lucrezia Borgia Quiz

1. When was Lucrezia Borgia born? a) 4 February 1484 b) 18 April 1480 c) 5 August 1479 d) 3 October 1475 2. Where was Lucrezia Borgia born? a) Rome b) Barcelona c) Valencia d) Pamplona 3. Who was Lucrezia Borgia’s mother? a) Anne de Pisseleu b) Frances Teresa Stuart c) Jeanne Antoinette d) Vannozza Catanei

Girolamo Savonarola Quiz

1. When was Girolamo Savonarola born? a) 4 February 1444 b) 15 April 1442 c) 21 September 1452 d) 30 November 1455 2. Where was Girolamo Savonarola born? a) Ferrara b) Pisa c) Lepanto d) Genoa 3. Which order did Girolamo Savonarola join? a) Augustinian b) Capuchin c) Dominican d) Benedictine 4. Who invaded Florence and overthrew Medici rule in 1494 as predicted by Girolamo Savonarola? a) Charles VIII b) Philip IV c) Henry VI d) Edward VI

Benito Mussolini Quiz

1. When did Benito Mussolini first become the Prime Minister of Italy? a) 12 January 1914 b) 3 April 1906 c) 5 August 1918 d) 31 October 1922 2. When was Benito Mussolini born? a) 9 February 1889 b) 3 May 1901 c) 29 July 1883 d) 31 December 1900 3. Where was Benito Mussolini born? a) Turin b) Predappio c) Verona d) Bari

Aldo Moro Quiz

1. How many times was Aldo Moro prime minister of Italy? a) Two b) Five c) Three d) Seven 2. When was Aldo Moro born? a) 14 April 1914 b) 11 March 1926 c) 23 September 1916 d) 2 November 1912 3. Where was Aldo Moro born? a) Florence b) Venice c) Turin d) Maglie

Cesare Borgia Quiz

Portrait of Cesare Borgia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Cesare Borgia Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. Who was Cesare Borgia’s mother? a) Anne de Pisseleu b) Frances Teresa Stuart c) Jeanne Antoinette d) Vannozza Catanei 2. At which university did Cesare Borgia get a degree in canon law and civil law? a) Milan b) Perugia c) Barcelona d) Sorbonne 3. Of which diocese was Cesare Borgia bishop? a) Pamplona b) Madrid c) Cadiz d) Seville 4. Of which archdiocese was Cesare Borgia archbishop? a) Vienna b) Valencia c) Amsterdam d) Brussels 5. What name did Rodrigo Borgia take when he ... Read more

Raphael Quiz

Raphael Quiz Questions Raphael (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 1. What was Raphael’s original name? a) Raffael Mengs b) Piero della Francesca c) Luca Signorelli d) Raffaello Sanzio 2. When was Raphael born? a) 7 January 1484 b) 6 April 1483 c) 2 August 1479 d) 14 November 1475 3. Where was Raphael born? a) Urbino b) Ravenna c) Viterbo d) Palermo 4. Where did Raphael work as an apprentice? a) Naples b) Mantua c) Perugia d) Bordeaux 5. When did Raphael paint The Marriage of the Virgin? a) 1492 b) 1504 c) 1498 d) 1512 6. Where did Raphael paint The ... Read more