Category: History

The Vietnam War Quiz

1. Ho Chi Minh, the leader of North Vietnam, was known for being: (a) A French collaborator (b) A nationalist and communist leader (c) A US-backed dictator (d) A religious leader 2. The guerilla fighters fighting alongside North Vietnam were known as the: (a) Viet Minh (fought for independence from France) (b) Viet Cong (c) Khmer Rouge (d) Pathet Lao 3. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964: (a) Authorized a full-scale US invasion of North Vietnam (b) Gave the president broad war powers in Southeast Asia (c) Ended US involvement in the Vietnam War (d) Marked the official beginning ... Read more

The Battle of Hastings

1. In what year did the Battle of Hastings take place? (a) 966 (b) 1066 (c) 1166 (d) 1266 2. Who was the English king who died , sparking the conflict? (a) Richard the Lionheart (b) Edward the Confessor (c) William the Conqueror (d) Alfred the Great 3. Which Duke of Normandy invaded England and claimed the throne? (a) Duke Richard I (b) Duke William (c) Duke Godfrey (d) Duke Rollo

The Civil War Quiz

1. Which state seceded from the Union first? (a) Virginia (b) South Carolina (c) Georgia (d) Texas 2. What was the main cause of the Civil War? (a) Economic differences between North and South (b) British interference in American affairs (c) Desire for westward expansion (d) A strong federal government 3. The first major battle of the Civil War was fought at: (a) Antietam (b) Gettysburg (c) Fort Sumter (d) Bull Run

The French Revolution

1. In which year did the storming of the Bastille prison, a key event of the French Revolution, occur? (a) 1776 (b) 1789 (c) 1793 (d) 1804 2. What were the three social classes of France under theAncien RĂ©gime (Old Regime)? (a) Clergy, Nobility, Peasantry (b) Military, Aristocracy, Working Class (c) Merchants, Landowners, Farmers (d) Upper Class, Middle Class, Lower Class 3. What famous document outlined the "rights of man and of the citizen" during the French Revolution? (a) The Declaration of Independence (b) The Magna Carta (c) The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (d) ... Read more

The Cold War

1. Which of the following ideologies formed the basis of the Soviet Union's system during the Cold War? (a) Democracy (b) Fascism (c) Communism (d) Capitalism 2. The Truman Doctrine aimed to: (a) Develop nuclear weapons (b) Contain the spread of communism (c) Rebuild war-torn Europe (d) Form a military alliance with the Soviet Union 3. The Marshall Plan provided economic aid to: (a) The Soviet Union (b) Western European nations (c) Newly independent African colonies (d) Countries defeated in World War II

Battle of Trafalgar

1. In which year did the Battle of Trafalgar take place? (a) 1798 (b) 1805 (c) 1812 (d) 1821 2. Who was the British commander at the Battle of Trafalgar? (a) Admiral John Jervis (b) Admiral Horatio Nelson (c) Duke of Wellington (d) King George III 3. Which two combined fleets did the British face at Trafalgar? (a) French and Spanish (b) French and Dutch (c) Spanish and Portuguese (d) Russian and Ottoman

The Hundred Year’s War

1. Which two countries were the main combatants in the Hundred Years' War? (a) England and Spain (b) France and Germany (c) England and France (d) Italy and Austria 2. What was the approximate duration of the Hundred Years' War? (a) 25 years (b) 100 years (c) 200 years (d) 500 years 3. What year did the Hundred Years' War begin? (a) 1200 (b) 1337 (c) 1450 (d) 1500

The Trojan War

1. The Trojan War was fought between the Greeks and Trojans over: (a) Land rights (b) The abduction of Helen (c) A religious dispute (d) Trade control 2. Helen of Troy was the wife of: (a) Agamemnon (b) Menelaus (c) Odysseus (d) Achilles 3. The leader of the Greek army during the Trojan War was: (a) Achilles (b) Agamemnon (c) Odysseus (d) Paris

World War 2 Quiz

1. What event is considered the direct cause of World War 2? (a) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (b) The Great Depression (c) German invasion of Poland (d) The rise of communism in the Soviet Union 2. Which of the following countries were the main Allied Powers? (a) Germany, Italy, Japan (b) France, Britain, Soviet Union (c) United States, Canada, Mexico (d) China, India, Australia 3. Who was the leader of Nazi Germany during World War 2? (a) Benito Mussolini (b) Joseph Stalin (c) Adolf Hitler (d) Winston Churchill

James Abram Garfield Quiz

1) When was James Abram Garfield sworn in as President of USA? a) 14 September 1880 b) 4 March 1881 c) 20 January 1881 d) 4 November 1880 2) When was James Abram Garfield born? a) 31 March 1826 b) 6 April 1828 c) 28 August 1830 d) 19 November 1831 3) Where was James Abram Garfield born? a) Austin b) Little Rock c) Orange d) Brasilia