Category: History

Napoleon III Quiz

1) When did Napoleon III become the Emperor of France? a) 15 March 1758 b) 10 May 1774 c) 8 July 1776 d) 2 December 1852 2) When was Napoleon III born? a) 14 January 1800 b) 20 April 1808 c) 19 August 1802 d) 31 December 1798 3) Where was Napoleon III born? a) Paris b) Rome c) London d) Amsterdam

Herbert Hoover Quiz

Herbert Hoover Quiz Questions with Answers 1) When was Herbert Hoover first sworn in as President of USA? a) 20 January 1929 b) 4 March 1929 c) 3 August 1929 d) 4 November 1928 2) When was Herbert Hoover born? a) 6 March 1875 b) 7 June 1876 c) 10 August 1874 d) 29 November 1872 3) Where was Herbert Hoover born? a) San Francisco b) West Branch c) Miami d) Pensacola

Shah Jahan Quiz

1) Who wanted Shahryar to succeed Jahangir? a) Gulbadan b) Hamida Banu c) Noor Jahan d) Razia 2) What is the meaning of Shah Jahan? a) Kind ruler b) King of the world c) Rainbow d) World Conqueror 3) Who was Shah Jahan’s wife? a) Noor Mahal b) Mumtaz Mahal c) Anarkali d) Zenobia

Dwight Eisenhower Quiz

1) When was Dwight Eisenhower first sworn in as President of USA? a) 20 January 1953 b) 9 July 1950 c) 21 September 1951 d) 31 December 1949 2) When was Dwight Eisenhower born? a) 1 January 1885 b) 6 April 1884 c) 28 September 1888 d) 14 October 1890 3) Where was Dwight Eisenhower born? a) Denison b) Georgetown c) Detroit d) Abilene

James Madison Quiz

James Madison, Fourth President of the United States and “Father of the Constitution” (Photo credit: Wikipedia) (This quiz is about the fourth President of USA.) James Madison Quiz Questions 1) When was James Madison Member of Continental Congress? a) 1774-1776 b) 1776-1779 c) 1780-1783 d) 1785-1787 2) What was James Madison’s occupation? a) Doctor b) Businessman c) Lawyer d) Engineer 3) Who was the President when James Madison was Secretary of State? a) John Adams b) George Washington c) Thomas Jefferson d) Calvin Coolidge 4) Which of the following nicknames applies to James Madison? a) Man of the People b) ... Read more

Edward VIII Quiz

1) Where was Edward VIII born? a) Birmingham b) Greenwich c) Richmond d) Yorkshire 2) When was Edward VIII born? a) 23 June 1894 b) 4 March 1896 c) 1 January 1901 d) 29 February 1904 3) How was Edward VIII known in his family? a) Albert b) David c) James d) William

Pauline Bonaparte Quiz

Pauline Bonaparte (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Pauline Bonaparte Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. What was Pauline Bonaparte’s original name? a) Paula Newton b) Esmeralda de la Roche c) Maria Paola Buonaparte d) Marie Louise Bourbon 2. When was Pauline Bonaparte born? a) 1 March 1784 b) 4 April 1778 c) 19 August 1782 d) 20 October 1780 3. Where was Pauline Bonaparte born? a) Ajaccio b) Turin c) Fontainebleau d) Milan 4. When did Pauline Bonaparte marry Charles Leclerc? a) 4 February 1799 b) 14 June 1797 c) 23 September 1796 d) 15 December 1805 5. What caused Charles ... Read more

Clement Attlee Quiz

1. When was Clement Attlee Prime Minister of UK? a) 1936-1940 b) 1930-1935 c) 1945-1951 d) 1956-1961 2. When was Clement Attlee born? a) 3 January 1883 b) 5 April 1886 c) 28 August 1892 d) 11 December 1881 3. Where was Clement Attlee born? a) Durham b) York c) London d) Huddersfield

Theodore Roosevelt Quiz

1) When was Theodore Roosevelt first sworn in as President of USA? a) 14 September 1901 b) 4 March 1901 c) 20 January 1901 d) 4 November 1900 2) When did Theodore Roosevelt publish The Naval War of 1812? a) 1865 b) 1875 c) 1882 d) 1896 3) Which of the following books was published by Theodore Roosevelt in 1885? a) Essays in Practical Politics b) Hunting Trips of a Ranchman c) Life of Thomas Hart Benton d) Life of Gouverneur Morris

Franklin Roosevelt Quiz

1) How many times was Franklin Roosevelt elected President of USA? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Six 2) When was Franklin Roosevelt born? a) 30 January 1882 b) 5 May 1880 c) 7 August 1884 d) 21 December 1886 3) Where was Franklin Roosevelt born? a) Seattle b) Austin c) New Orleans d) Hyde Park