Category: History

Catherine Howard Quiz

1. Who was Catherine Howard’s mother? a) Joyce Culpepper b) Agnes Tilney c) Elizabeth Howard d) Margaret Mowbray 2. What did Henry Mannox teach Catherine Howard? a) Latin b) Music c) Greek d) Science 3. To whom was Catherine Howard engaged? a) Walter Raleigh b) Nicholas Throckmorton c) Thomas Culpepper d) Stephen Gardiner

Philippines Quiz

1) What is the approximate number of islands that comprise the Philippines? a) 6,000 b) 7,000 c) 8,000 d) 9,000 2) When did the Philippines become independent? a) 4 July 1776 b) 4 July 1946 c) 14 August 1947 d) 1 January 1984 3) Which country had the Philippines as its colony from 1898 to 1946, except for some years during World War II? a) Portugal b) USA c) UK d) Belgium

U Thant Quiz

1. When was U Thant elected acting secretary general of United Nations? a) 1 January 1955 b) 12 April 1956 c) 7 July 1958 d) 3 November 1961 2. When was U Thant born? a) 22 January 1909 b) 6 May 1912 c) 27 July 1908 d) 26 October 1911 3. Where was U Thant born? a) Hamolin b) Tonzang c) Shwebo d) Pantanaw

Iran Quiz

1. Which lake is to the north of Iran? a) Lake Prespa b) Lake Lucerne c) Caspian Sea d) Dead Sea 2. Which is the capital of Iran? a) Tehran b) Shiraj c) Isfahan d) Bandar Abbas 3. Which is the currency of Iran? a) Dirham b) Dinar c) Lira d) Rial

Caligula Quiz

1. When was Caligula Roman emperor? a) 44-54 b) 37-41 c) 69-72 d) 54-68 2. When was Caligula born? a) 15 March 14 b) 12 June 10 c) 31 August 12 d) 15 December 16 3. Where was Caligula born? a) Antium b) Thrace c) Sparta d) Valetta

Thomas Cranmer Quiz

1. When was Thomas Cranmer archbishop of Canterbury? a) 1504-1532 b) 1533-1556 c) 1559-1575 d) 1501-1503 2. When was Thomas Cranmer born? a) 14 February 1442 b) 12 May 1471 c) 2 July 1489 d) 10 December 1485 3. Where was Thomas Cranmer born? a) Aslacton b) Waltham c) Nuremberg d) Dunstable

Sweden Quiz

1) What name was taken by Jean Baptiste Bernadotte when he became king of Sweden in 1818? a) Carl XIV Johan b) Olaf c) Gustav 4) Harald 2) When did Sweden become a member of the European Union? a) 1992 b) 1995 c) 2000 d) 2002 3) Which Swedish Prime Minister was assassinated on 28 February 1986? a) Olof Palme b) Tage Erlander c) Thorbjorn Falldin d) Ola Ullsten

Hannibal Quiz

1) When was Hannibal born? a) 265 BC b) 250 BC c) 247 BC d) 203 BC 2) When was Hannibal taken to Iberia by his father Hamilcar Barca? a) 237 BC b) 248 BC c) 263 BC d) 199 BC 3) On crossing which river by Hannibal Rome declared the Second Punic War? a) Rhine b) Seine c) Ebro d) Danube

Trygve Lie Quiz

1. When was Trygve Lie elected secretary general of United Nations? a) 1 February 1946 b) 5 June 1944 c) 10 August 1945 d) 12 October 1938 2. When was Trygve Lie born? a) 8 January 1884 b) 3 April 1882 c) 16 July 1896 d) 11 November 1892 3. Where was Trygve Lie born? a) Bode b) Tromsa c) Kristiania d) Nordford

Edward IV Quiz

1. When was Edward IV crowned king of England? a) 20 January 1433 b) 28 June 1461 c) 12 October 1437 d) 8 July 1480 2. When was Edward IV born? a) 3 March 1421 b) 28 April 1442 c) 6 December 1416 d) 8 August 1410 3. Where was Edward IV born? a) Rouen b) Lancaster c) York d) London