Category: History

Khawaja Nazimuddin Quiz

Khawaja Nazimuddin Quiz Questions with Answers 1. When was Khawaja Nazimuddin governor general of Pakistan? a) 1948-1951 b) 1953-1955 c) 1971-1975 d) 1956-1958 2. When was Khawaja Nazimuddin born? a) 18 February 1896 b) 21 May 1902 c) 19 July 1894 d) 11 December 1892 3. Where was Khawaja Nazimuddin born? a) Calcutta b) Dacca c) Lahore d) Karachi

Titus Quiz

1. When was Titus Roman emperor? a) 81-96 b) 79-81 c) 69-79 d) 54-68 2. When was Titus born? a) 30 January 14 b) 14 May 20 c) 23 August 32 d) 30 November 39 3. Who was the governor of Syria won over to Vespanian’s side by Titus? a) Marcus Antonius Primus b) Gaius Licinius Mucianus c) Servius Sulpicius Galba d) Marcus Salvius Otho

Joseph Bonaparte Quiz

Portrait of Joseph Bonaparte (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Joseph Bonaparte Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. What was Joseph Bonaparte’s original name? a) Giuseppe Garibaldi b) Jozef Korzeniowski c) Giuseppe Buonaparte d) Joseph Cambon 2. When was Joseph Bonaparte born? a) 7 January 1768 b) 14 May 1762 c) 2 July 1759 d) 20 December 1754 3. Where was Joseph Bonaparte born? a) Austerlitz b) Corte c) Mantua d) Trafalgar 4. Where did Joseph Bonaparte study law? a) Paris b) Milan c) Berlin d) Pisa 5. Where did Joseph Bonaparte conclude a convention with USA in 1800? a) New York ... Read more

Jawaharlal Nehru Quiz

1. When was Jawaharlal Nehru Prime Minister of India? a) 1940-1944 b) 1947-1964 c) 1965-1968 d) 1977-1980 2. When was Jawaharlal Nehru born? a) 29 February 1896 b) 23 April 1897 c) 26 August 1900 d) 14 November 1889 3. Where was Jawaharlal Nehru born? a) Bangalore b) Hyderabad c) Allahabad d) Darjeeling

Anne of Cleves Quiz

Painting of Anne of Cleves, fourth wife of the English King Henry VIII, by Hans Holbein the Younger (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Anne of Cleves Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When was Anne of Cleves born? a) 7 March 1525 b) 9 May 1520 c) 15 September 1515 d) 3 December 1510 2. Where was Anne of Cleves born? a) Xanten b) Dusseldorf c) Ravensberg d) Neuberg 3. Who was Anne of Cleves’ mother? a) Sophia Dorothea b) Eleanor of Aquitaine c) Adelaide of Maurienne d) Maria of Julich Berg 4. What was the reason for marriage of Henry ... Read more

Hadrian Quiz

1. When was Hadrian Roman emperor? a) 161-180 b) 79-81 c) 117-138 d) 54-68 2. When was Hadrian born? a) 24 January 76 b) 14 April 101 c) 22 August 85 d) 17 November 109 3. Where was Hadrian governor in 107? a) Hispania b) Egypt c) Palestine d) Lower Pannonia

African National Congress Quiz

The African National Congress was founded as the South African Native National Congress (SANNC) to increase the rights of the black South African population. John Dube, its first president, and poet and author Sol Plaatje are among its founding members. The organization became the ANC in 1923 and formed a military wing, the Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) in 1961. It has been the ruling party of post-apartheid South Africa on the national level since 1994. African National Congress Quiz Questions 1. When was South African Native National Congress founded? a) 8 January 1912 b) 24 May 1893 ... Read more

Hirohito Quiz

1) When was Hirohito born? a) 8 March 1900 b) 29 April 1901 c) 3 August 1902 d) 30 November 1903 2) Where was Hirohito born? a) London b) Kobe c) Osaka d) Tokyo 3) When did Hirohito become emperor of Japan? a) 4 February 1918 b) 17 June 1920 c) 27 September 1922 d) 25 December 1926

Chiang Kai-Shek Quiz

1) When was Chiang Kai-shek born? a) 1 January 1885 b) 30 April 1886 c) 14 August 1889 d) 31 October 1887 2) Where was Chiang Kai-shek born? a) Canton b) Fenghua c) Peking d) Shenzen 3) Which college in Tokyo did Chiang Kai-shek attend? a) Hirohito College b) Military State College c) Akihito College d) Kakui Tanaka College

Charles Maurice Talleyrand Quiz

Charles Maurice Talleyrand Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was Charles Maurice Talleyrand born? a) 2 February 1754 b) 1 June 1742 c) 3 August 1749 d) 4 December 1755 2. Where was Charles Maurice Talleyrand born? a) Nantes b) Amiens c) Paris d) Frankfurt 3. When did Charles Maurice Talleyrand become agent general of the clergy? a) 1778 b) 1780 c) 1782 d) 1784