Category: General Knowledge Quizzes

Conclave Quiz

A conclave is a meeting of the College of Cardinals convened to elect athe Pope. Conclave Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was the first conclave? a) 1451 b) 1241 c) 1517 d) 1565 2. Who was elected pope in the first conclave? a) Boniface VIII b) Alexander VI c) Celestine IV d) Leo XII 3. How long was the papal vacancy between Clement IV and Gregory X? a) 48 months b) 15 months c) 23 months d) 33 months

Westminster Abbey Quiz

Westminster Abbey Quiz Questions with Answers 1. Who confirmed by a bull privileges granted to Westminster Abbey by Edward the Confessor? a) Innocent III b) Nicholas II c) Gregory VII d) Leo X 2. When was Westminster Abbey consecrated? a) 4 February 1244 b) 15 May 1162 c) 23 August 1089 d) 28 December 1065 3. Who was the first monarch consecrated in Westminster Abbey? a) Canute b) William the Conqueror c) Stephen d) William of Orange