Category: Countries

Wallis And Futuna Quiz

Wallis And Futuna Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Which is the capital of Wallis and Futuna? a) Kolia b) Matautu c) Ono d) Taoa 2. When did Jakob Le Maire and Willem Schouten sight Futuna? a) 1502 b) 1542 c) 1616 d) 1650 3. When did Samuel Wallis visit Uvea? a) 1788 b) 1824 c) 1622 d) 1757

Serbia Quiz

Serbia Quiz Questions 1. Which country is to the north of Serbi a) Albania b) Bulgaria c) Hungary d) Macedonia 2. Who conferred the title “King of Serbia, Dalmatia and Bosnia” on Stefan in 1217? a) Honorius III b) Martin IV c) Lucius II d) Alexander III 3. Who founded the Serbian Orthodox Church? a) St. Cyril b) St. Sava c) St. Methodius d) St. Jerome

Turks and Caicos Islands Quiz

Turks and Caicos Islands Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Juan Ponce de Leon visit Turks and Caicos Islands? a) 1512 b) 1492 c) 1556 d) 1601 2. When did Bahamas annex Turks and Caicos Islands? a) 1776 b) 1799 c) 1624 d) 1628 3. Which colony’s governor general had jurisdiction over Turks and Caicos Islands in 1874-1959? a) Canada b) British Honduras c) British Guiana d) Jamaica

Micronesia Quiz

1. Which is the capital of Micronesia? a) Weno b) Palikir c) Dublon d) Fefan 2. Which is the currency of Micronesia? a) Eastern Caribbean Dollar b) American Dollar c) Rupee d) Australian Dollar 3. Which country is to the west of Micronesia? a) Palau b) Fiji c) Kiribati d) Samoa

Portugal Quiz

1) Which territories under Portuguese rule were liberated by India on 19 December 1961? a) Goa, Diu and Daman b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli c) East Timor d) Macao 2) Who came to India from Portugal in 1498? a) Ferdinand Magellan b) Abel Tasman c) Vasco da Gama d) Thomas Roe 3) Who scored nine goals in Football World Cup 1966? a) Eusebio b) Hector Silva c) Jose Augusto d) Lev Yashin

Afghanistan Quiz

1) Which line separates Afghanistan from Pakistan? a) Durand line b) McMohan line c) Maginot line 4) Blue line 2) How is the event that led to the invasion of Afghanistan by USA and its allies is known? a) 9/11 b) 7/11 c) 26/7 d) 7/7 3) Who was deposed in 1973? a) Nadir Shah b) Ahmed Shah Abdali c) Mohammed Zahir Shah d) Amanullah

Belarus Quiz

1. When did Belarus declare independence? a) 9 March 1975 b) 17 April 1968 c) 25 August 1991 d) 24 November 1985 2. Which country is to the south of Belarus? a) Estonia b) Latvia c) Lithuania d) Ukraine 3. Which is the capital of Belarus? a) Lida b) Polonsk c) Minsk d) Slavgorod

Tonga Quiz

1. What did James Cook call Tonga? a) Batan Islands b) Kiriwana Islands c) Savage Islands d) Friendly Islands 2. Who ruled Tonga in 1965-2006? a) George I b) Tupou IV c) George II d) Salote 3. Which is the capital of Tonga? a) Kao b) Nuku’alofa c) ‘Eua d) Vava’u

Czech Republic Quiz

1. When did Czech Republic become independent? a) 1 January 1993 b) 15 May 1974 c) 11 September 1969 d) 6 December 1992 2. Which country is to the west of Czech Republic? a) Estonia b) Germany c) Italy d) Spain 3. Which is the currency of Czech Republic? a) Koruna b) Lats c) Dinar d) Peso

Malaysia Quiz

1) When was Malaysia formed? a) 1963 b) 1968 c) 1976 d) 1984 2) Which country seceded from Malaysia in 1965? a) Brunei b) Singapore c) Taiwan d) Tibet 3) Who is the first Prime Minister of Malaysia? a) Mahathir Mohammed b) Tunku Abdul Rahman c) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi d) Mizan Zainal Abidin