Category: Countries
Ethiopia Quiz

1. How was Ethiopia formerly known? a) Abyssinia b) Mesopotamia c) Persia d) Bactria 2. Which country is to the south of Ethiopia? a) Egypt b) Kenya c) Jordan d) Lebanon 3. Which is the capital of Ethiopia? a) Addis Ababa b) Jima c) Dese d) Gonder
Lesotho Quiz

1) How was Lesotho known? a) Natal b) Nyasaland c) Basutoland d) Transvaal 2) Which country surrounds Lesotho on all sides? a) Namibia b) Zimbabwe c) S. Africa d) Zambia 3) When did Lesotho become independent? a) 4 October 1966 b) 12 December 1963 c) 30 June 1964 d) 1 May 1956
Samoa Quiz

Samoa Quiz Questions with Answers 1. When did Samoa become independent? a) 1 January 1962 b) 21 May 1966 c) 16 August 1960 d) 24 November 1965 2. Which country annexed Western Samoa in 1899? a) France b) Germany c) Italy d) Spain 3. When did New Zealand conquer Western Samoa? a) 1901 b) 1908 c) 1914 d) 1918
Libya Quiz
1) Who was deposed in 1969 as King of Libya? a) Farokh b) Idris c) Nooruddin d) Saladin 2) What is the colour of the flag of Libya? a) Blue b) Green c) Red d) Yellow 3) When did Italy invade Libya? a) 1907 b) 1911 c) 1914 d) 1918
Eswatini Quiz
1. When did Eswatini become independent? a) 14 January 1956 b) 24 May 1964 c) 6 September 1968 d) 30 November 1972 2. Which country is to the west of Eswatini? a) Kenya b) South Africa c) Tanzania d) Uganda 3. Which river in Eswatini has Ushushwana, Ngwempisi and Mkhondvo as tributaries? a) Usutu b) Lomati c) Komati d) Umbuzi
Estonia Quiz
1) Which country is to the east of Estonia? a) Denmark b) Poland c) Russia d) Lithuania 2) Which is the largest lake in Estonia? a) Lake Peipus b) Lake Vorts Jarv c) Lake Ezers d) Lake Pskovskoye 3) Which is the currency of Estonia? a) Mark b) Kroon c) Rouble d) Shilling
New Zealand Quiz
1) Who is the Head of State of New Zealand? a) President b) Governor General c) Monarch of UK d) Prime Minister 2) When did the New Zealand win gold medal in hockey in Olympics? a) 1964 b) 1972 c) 1976 d) 1984 3) How many wickets did Richard Hadlee take in Test cricket? a) 307 b) 355 c) 373 d) 431