Category: Countries

Iceland Quiz

Iceland Quiz Questions 1) When did Iceland become a republic? a) 17 April 1848 b) 17 June 1944 c) 18 September1880 d) 11 November 1911 2) Who was Iceland’s first president? a) Sveinn Bjornsson b) Jon Sigurdsson c) Olaf Tryggvvason d) Vigdis Finnbogadottir 3) Which country kept a force of 60,000 in Iceland in 1941? a) Germany b) France c) USA d) Italy

East Timor Quiz

1. When did Fretilin declare East Timor independent? a) 17 January 1955 b) 29 June 1971 c) 14 September 1969 d) 28 November 1975 2. Which strait to the north of East Timor? a) Makassar Strait b) Davis Strait c) Wetar Strait d) Strait of Hormuz 3. Which country annexed East Timor in 1976? a) Australia b) Indonesia c) Philippines d) China

Netherlands Antilles Quiz

Netherlands Antilles Quiz Questions 1. When did Christopher Columbus sight the island of Saint Martin? a) 1 March 1476 b) 20 May 1482 c) 12 July 1562 d) 11 November 1493 2. Who occupied Curacao in 1634? a) Piet Heyn b) John Maurice c) Johannes van Walbeeck d) Robert Blake 3. When did Sint Eustasius recognize USA? a) 1 January 1801 b) 16 November 1776 c) 20 September 1798 d) 14 April 1824

Bolivia Quiz

1) After whom is Bolivia named? a) Christopher Columbus b) Simon Bolivar c) Ferdinand d) Isabella 2) Which is the highest navigable water body in the world? a) Lake Superior b) Lake Titicaca c) Lake Victoria d) Lake Albert 3) Who won the Presidential election in December 2005? a) Alan Garcia b) Evo Morales c) Raila Odinga d) Richard Leaky

Spain Quiz

1) How many martyrs who died during Spanish Civil War were beatified on 28 October 2007? a) 202 b) 197 c) 498 d) 306 2) Who became the King of Spain in 1975? a) Juan Carlos b) Philip II c) Ferdinand IV d) Louis XVIII 3) When did Spain win Davis Cup for the first time? a) 1998 b) 1999 c) 2000 d) 2002 4) Which of the following is not a co-official language in Spain? a) Basque b) Catalan c) Frisian d) Galician

Zimbabwe Quiz

1) How was Zimbabwe known in 1965-1979? a) Basutoland b) Bechuanaland c) Nagaland d) Rhodesia 2) How was Zimbabwe known when it was part of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland? a) Nyasaland b) Northern Rhodesia c) Southern Rhodesia d) Transvaal 3) When did Ian Smith make Universal Declaration of Independence? a) 1898 b) 1904 c) 1948 d) 1965

Solomon Islands Quiz

1. When did Solomon Islands become independent? a) 22 January 1949 b) 26 May 1966 c) 7 July 1978 d) 30 November 1975 2. Who was the first European to reach Solomon Islands? a) Christopher Columbus b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Alvaro de Mendana de Neira d) James Cook 3. Which is the capital of Solomon Islands? a) Buala b) Honiara c) Inakona d) Tulagi

Argentina Quiz

Argentina Quiz Questions 1) Who is the first woman to be elected as the President of Argentina? a) Corazin Aquino b) Eva Peron c) Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner d) Isabella Peron 2) Which islands are known as Islas Malvinas in Argentina? a) Virgin Islands b) Maldives c) Falkland Islands d) Channel Islands 3) Who was the President of Argentina during its war with UK in 1982? a) Juan Peron b) Carlos Menem c) Leopoldo Galtieri d) Raul Alfonsin

United Kingdom Quiz

1) United Kingdom was formed in which year? a) 1603 b) 1707 c) 1837 d) 1945 2) Who was the monarch of United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901? a) George III b) Elizabeth I c) Mary d) Victoria 3) Who is the first woman Prime Minister of United Kingdom? a) Margaret Thatcher b) TansuCiller c) Golda Meir d) Agatha Christie 4) The monarch of United Kingdom is not the monarch of which country? a) South Africa b) Canada c) Australia d) New Zealand

Russia Quiz

1) Who succeeded Boris Yeltsin as President of Russia? a) Alexander Lebed b) Vladimir Putin c) Gary Kasparov d) Mikhail Gorbachev 2) When was Moscow Olympics held? a) 1964 b) 1980 c) 1996 d) 2004 3) Which city is considered Third Rome? a) St. Petersburg b) Moscow c) Kiev d) Yekatinburg 4) Who is the first woman in space? a) Sunita Williams b) Kalpana Chawla c) Valentina Tereshkova d) Nadia Petrova