Category: Popes

Pope Francis Quiz

1.In which year was Pope Francis elected as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church? (a) 2010 (b) 2012 (c) 2013 (d) 2015 2. What was Pope Francis's birth name? (a) Jorge Mario Bergoglio (b) Giovanni Battista (c) Carlo Maria Martini (d) Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger 3. Which country is Pope Francis from? (a) Italy (b) Spain (c) Brazil (d) Argentina

Benedict XVI Quiz

Who created Joseph Ratzinger Cardinal? a) John XXIII b) John Paul I c) Paul VI d) John Paul II When was Benedict XVI elected Pope? a) 1 January 2001 b) 19 April 2005 c) 16 September 2002 d) 31 October 1999 Which Motu Proprio did Benedict XVI issue on 7 July 2007? a) Africae Munus b) Spe Salvi c) Summorum Pontificum d) Deus Caritas Est By which Apostolic Constitution did Benedict XVI establish Personal Ordinariates? a) Universae Ecclesiae b) Dignitas Personae c) Caritas in Veritate d) Anglicanorum Coetibus

Anastasius III Quiz

Pope Anastasius III was a Roman by birth. Almost nothing is recorded of Pope Anastasius III, his pontificate falling in the period when Rome and the Papacy were in the power of Theophylact, Count of Tusculum, and his wife Theodora, who approved Anastasius III’s candidacy. Under his reign the Normans of Rollo were evangelized. Source: Wikipedia Anastasius III Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. Where was Anastasius III born? a) Avignon b) Rome c) Lyon d) Babylon 2. What was Anastasius III’s father’s name? a) Lucian b) Gratian c) Hector d) Conrad 3. When was Anastasius III pope? a) ... Read more

St. Clement I Quiz

1. What was St. Clement I’s father’s name? Faustinus Horatio Samuel EdmundCorrect Answer: Faustinus 2. Who, according to Tertullian, consecrated St. Clement I? St. Paul St. Peter St. Barnabas St. MarkCorrect Answer: St. Peter 3. When was St. Clement I pope? 189-197 308-309 88-97 311-314Correct Answer: 88-97 4. Who of the following identified St. Clement I as St. Paul’s fellow labourer (Phi 4/3)? Josephus Herodotus Polybius OrigenCorrect Answer: Origen 5. Who of the following lists St. Clement I as a contemporary of the Apostles? St. Luke St. Irenaeus St. Silas St. PhilemonCorrect Answer: St. Irenaeus 6. Where did St. Clement ... Read more

Celestine II Quiz

(Celestine II is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 11. Where was Guido De Castellis born? Citta di Castello Bristol Sarzana VeniceCorrect Answer: Citta di Castello 12. Who of the following taught Guido De Castellis? Seneca Tertullian Peter Abelard Isaac NewtonCorrect Answer: Peter Abelard 13. Who created Guido De Castellis cardinal? Pelagius II Honorius II Leo IV Gregory IIICorrect Answer: Honorius II 14. Who of the following was protected by Guido De Castellis? Galileo Galilee Nicolaus Copernicus Cesare Borgia Arnold of BresciaCorrect Answer: Arnold of Brescia 15. Where was Guido De Castellis papal legate ... Read more

St. Peter Quiz

21. What was St. Peter’s profession? Fisherman Tax collector Shepherd FarmerCorrect Answer: Fisherman 22. Where did Jesus cure St. Peter’s mother-in-law? Bethlehem Capernaum Jericho NazarethCorrect Answer: Capernaum 23. To whom did St. Peter say “Just outside that door are the young men who buried your husband, and they will carry you too.”? Esther Judith Rahab SapphiraCorrect Answer: Sapphira 24. Whom did St. Peter cure at Joppa? Priscilla Agnes Cecilia TabithaCorrect Answer: Tabitha 25. Who was the first Gentile converted by St. Peter? Pilate Claudius Cornelius TiberiusCorrect Answer: Cornelius 26. Who rebuked St. Peter for avoiding eating with Gentile converts? St. ... Read more

St. Linus Quiz

31. Where was St. Linus born? Damascus Antioch Sparta VolterraCorrect Answer: Volterra 32. What was St. Linus’ father’s name? Jason Herculanus Petronius TheseusCorrect Answer: Herculanus 33. When was St. Linus pope? 88-97 140-155 166-175 67-76Correct Answer: 67-76 34. Who preceded St. Linus? St. Peter St. Andrew St. Anterus St. EusebiusCorrect Answer: St. Peter 35. Which verse of the Bible is said to refer to St. Linus? Mark 16/1 Acts 1/14 1 Cor 2/2 2 Tim 4/21Correct Answer: 2 Tim 4/21 36. Where did St. Linus die? Florence Rome Benevento NaplesCorrect Answer: Rome 37. Who succeeded St. Linus? St. Anacletus St. ... Read more

St. Callixtus I Quiz

1. What was St. Callixtus I’s father’s name? a) Licinius b) Cornelius c) Domitius d) Maximus 2. Who was St. Callixtus I’s master when he was a slave? a) Commodus b) Corporphorus c) Pertinax d) Trajan 3. Which book is a biography of St. Callixtus I? a) Philosophumena b) Hexapla c) De Principiis d) Contra Celsum

St. Dionysius Quiz

51. What was St. Dionysius at the time of his election? Acolyte Lector Priest SubdeaconCorrect Answer: Priest 52. When was St. Dionysius pope? 259-268 251-253 254-257 253-254Correct Answer: 259-268 53. When was St. Dionysius elected pope? 20 February 251 18 April 253 22 July 259 16 October 254Correct Answer: 22 July 259 54. Who were suffering from Persian invasion and received funds from St. Dionysius? Christians in Cappadocia Christians in Spain Roma in Poland Shintoists in JapanCorrect Answer: Christians in Cappadocia 55. Whom did St. Dionysius ask to answer to the charge of tritheism? Michael Servetus St. Dionysius of Alexandria ... Read more

St. Miltiades Quiz

61. From which continent was St. Miltiades? Asia Europe Africa AustraliaCorrect Answer: Africa 62. When was St. Miltiades pope? 337-352 311-314 352-366 308-309Correct Answer: 311-314 63. When was St. Miltiades consecrated pope? 15 February 352 22 April 337 2 July 311 21 October 308Correct Answer: 2 July 311 64. Who gave a palace to St. Miltiades? Constantine Galerius Severus MaximinusCorrect Answer: Constantine 65. Whose election as bishop of Carthage did St. Miltiades defend? St. Cyprian Irenaeus Caecilian EusebiusCorrect Answer: Caecilian 66. Who refused to submit to St. Miltiades? Methodists Donatists Puritans ZwinglistsCorrect Answer: Donatists 67. When did St. Miltiades die? ... Read more