Category: Christianity

Pope Francis Quiz

1.In which year was Pope Francis elected as the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church? (a) 2010 (b) 2012 (c) 2013 (d) 2015 2. What was Pope Francis's birth name? (a) Jorge Mario Bergoglio (b) Giovanni Battista (c) Carlo Maria Martini (d) Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger 3. Which country is Pope Francis from? (a) Italy (b) Spain (c) Brazil (d) Argentina

Pauline Year Quiz

1) What is Pauline Year? a) Birth Centenary of Paul IV. b) Death Centenary of Paul V. c) Birth Centenary of Paul VI. d) A year dedicated to St. Paul, in preparation for the 2,000th anniversary of his birth. 2) Who announced Pauline Year on 28 June 2007? a) Benedict XVI b) John Paul II c) Paul VI d) John XXIII 3) When is Pauline Year? a) From 25 December 2007 to 24 December 2008 b) From 29 June 2008, to 29 June 2009 c) From 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008 d) From 25 March 2008 to 24 ... Read more

Benedict XVI Quiz

Who created Joseph Ratzinger Cardinal? a) John XXIII b) John Paul I c) Paul VI d) John Paul II When was Benedict XVI elected Pope? a) 1 January 2001 b) 19 April 2005 c) 16 September 2002 d) 31 October 1999 Which Motu Proprio did Benedict XVI issue on 7 July 2007? a) Africae Munus b) Spe Salvi c) Summorum Pontificum d) Deus Caritas Est By which Apostolic Constitution did Benedict XVI establish Personal Ordinariates? a) Universae Ecclesiae b) Dignitas Personae c) Caritas in Veritate d) Anglicanorum Coetibus

Herod Agrippa II Quiz

1. Where was Herod Agrippa II born? a) Antioch b) Beirut c) Rome d) Damascus 2. In which year Herod Agrippa II became King of Chalcis? a) 12 BC b) 10 BC c) 24 AD d) 50 AD 3. Who added Tiberias and parts of Peraea to Herod Agrippa II’s kingdom? a) Trajan b) Domitian c) Caligula d) Nero 4. Who brought Paul before Herod Agrippa II and Berenice? a) Gessius Florus b) Festus c) Cornelius d) Marcus Antonius Felix

Herod Agrippa I Quiz

1. What was Herod Agrippa I’s original name? a) Gaius Julius Caesar b) Marcus Julius Agrippa c) Germanicus Julius Caesar d) Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa 2. Who were Herod Agrippa I’s parents? a) Phasaelus, Salampsio b) Aristobulus IV, Berenice c) Alexander, Alexandra d) Antipater, Cypros 3. Who imprisoned Herod Agrippa I? a) Nerva b) Hadrian c) Zeno d) Tiberias

Herod Antipas Quiz

Who denounced Herod Antipas’ marriage to Herodias? a) Elias b) Nathan c) Malachi d) John the Baptist What did Herodias tell her daughter to ask from Herod Antipas? a) Half Kingdom b) Head of John the Baptist c) One talent gold d) Diamond Who sent Jesus Christ to Herod Antipas? a) Pontius Pilate b) Annas c) Caiphas d) Gamaliel

Herod Quiz

1. When was Herod King? a) 14 AD – 37 AD b) 27 BC – 14 AD c) 37 BC – 4 BC d) 12 BC – 12 AD 2. Who made Herod tetrarch of Galilee? a) Julius Caesar b) Mark Antony c) Marius d) Sulla 3. Who was Herod’s first wife? a) Pallas b) Malthace c) Elpis d) Doris

St. Thomas More Quiz

1) When was St. Thomas More born? a) 1 January 1470 b) 7 February 1478 c) 3 March 1576 d) 10 May 1673 2) Where was St. Thomas More born? a) Cardiff b) Berlin c) Jerusalem d) London 3) Which school did St. Thomas More attend? a) St. Anthony’s School b) St. Paul’s School c) St. Peter’s School d) St. Albert’s School

Anastasius III Quiz

Pope Anastasius III was a Roman by birth. Almost nothing is recorded of Pope Anastasius III, his pontificate falling in the period when Rome and the Papacy were in the power of Theophylact, Count of Tusculum, and his wife Theodora, who approved Anastasius III’s candidacy. Under his reign the Normans of Rollo were evangelized. Source: Wikipedia Anastasius III Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. Where was Anastasius III born? a) Avignon b) Rome c) Lyon d) Babylon 2. What was Anastasius III’s father’s name? a) Lucian b) Gratian c) Hector d) Conrad 3. When was Anastasius III pope? a) ... Read more

St. Raymond of Penafort Quiz

Raymond of Penyafort was a Catalan Dominican friar in the 13th century, who compiled the Decretals of Gregory IX, a collection of canonical laws that remained a major part of Church law until the 1917 Code of Canon Law abrogated it. He is honoured as a saint in the Catholic Church and is the patron saint of canon lawyers. Source: Wikipedia St. Raymond of Penafort Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. Where did St. Raymond of Penafort study canon law? a) Cahors b) Naples c) Genoa d) Bologna 2. When did St. Raymond of Penafort teach canon law at ... Read more