Category: China

Chiang Kai-Shek Quiz

1) When was Chiang Kai-shek born? a) 1 January 1885 b) 30 April 1886 c) 14 August 1889 d) 31 October 1887 2) Where was Chiang Kai-shek born? a) Canton b) Fenghua c) Peking d) Shenzen 3) Which college in Tokyo did Chiang Kai-shek attend? a) Hirohito College b) Military State College c) Akihito College d) Kakui Tanaka College

China Quiz

China Quiz Questions 1) Which city was known as Peking? a) Beijing b) Shanghai c) Xian d) Guangzhou 2) What is the meaning of Tiananmen? a) Desert b) Beautiful River c) Heavenly gate d) Glacier 3) What is the official name of China? a) Republic of China b) People’s Republic of China c) Kingdom of China d) Commonwealth of China

Beijing Olympics 2022 Quiz

Who won gold medal in women’s 15 km cross country skiathlon in Beijing Olympics 2022? a) Teresa Stadlober b) Natalia Nepryaeva c) Therese Johaug d) Kerttu Niskanen Who won gold medal in women’s moguls in Beijing Olympics 2022? a) Jaelin Kauf b) Anastasiia Smirnova c) Perrine Lafont d) Jakara Anthony Who won gold medal in men’s 30 km cross country skiathlon in Beijing Olympics 2022? a) Alexander Bolshunov b) Iivo Niskanen c) Hans Christer Holund d) Denis Spitsov

Asian Games 2010 Quiz

1. Which was the opening date of Asian Games 2010? a) 1 March 2010 b) 5 May 2010 c) 4 July 2010 d) 12 November 2010 2. Where were Asian Games 2010 held? a) Beijing b) Shanghai c) Guangzhou d) Pretoria 3. Who won the gold medal in men’s English billiards in Asian Games 2010? a) Geet Sethi b) Peter Gilchrist c) Pin Yi Ko d) Pankaj Advani

Liu Xiaobo Quiz

When did Liu Xiaobo win Nobel Prize for Peace? When was Liu Xiaobo born? Where was Liu Xiaobo born? From which university did Liu Xiaobo earn his bachelor’s degree in Chinese Literature? From which university did Liu Xiaobo earn his master’s degree in Chinese Literature? When was Liu Xiaobo’s first book Criticism of the Choice: Dialogues with Li Zehou published? Which charter did Liu Xiaobo help draft? When was Liu Xiaobo sentenced to 11 years of imprisonment for inciting subversion of state power? For what did Liu Xiaobo win Nobel Prize for Peace? Where did Liu Xiaobo die?