Category: Bible Quizzes

Bible Quizzes | Joshua Quiz

1. Who was Joshua’s father? a) Aaron b) Nadab c) Nun d) Jephunneh 2. Which was Joshua’s tribe? a) Ephraim b) Judah c) Benjamin d) Asher 3. Who appointed Joshua his successor? a) Samuel b) Moses c) David d) Jacob

Bible Quizzes | Jezebel Quiz

Jezebel Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Who was Jezebel’s father? a) Omri b) Ethbaal c) Zimri d) Rehoboam 2. Who was Jezebel’s husband? a) Ahab b) Eglon c) Zebah d) Sisera 3. How many prophets of Baal were killed when they failed to get fire on their bull? a) 300 b) 450 c) 500 d) 540

Bible Quizzes | Elisha Quiz

Elisha Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. What does Elijah in Hebrew mean? a) Love of God b) My God is salvation c) Glory of God d) May God strengthen him 2. Who was Elisha’s father? a) Abihu b) Nadab c) Caleb d) Shaphat 3. Who was Elisha’s master? a) Daniel b) Isaiah c) Elijah d) Nathan 4. What happened to the boys who made fun of Elisha’s baldness? a) They became bald. b) Bears attacked them and devoured 42 of them. c) They turned into donkeys. d) They turned into pillars of salt. 5. Whom did Elisha cure ... Read more

Bible Quizzes | Rehoboam Quiz

1. Who was Rehoboam’s father? a) Boaz b) David c) Moses d) Solomon 2. Who was Rehoboam’s mother? a) Abigail b) Naamah c) Hannah d) Deborah 3. Where did the Ten Tribes of Israel declare their secession from Rehoboam’s Kingdom? a) Bethlehem b) Nazareth c) Shechem d) Ashdod

Bible Quizzes | Noah Quiz

Noah Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Who was Noah’s father? a) Enoch b) Methuselah c) Lamech d) Jared 2. What did Noah use to build the ark? a) Oak b) Gopherwood c) Rosewood d) Iron 3. How many people went into the ark? a) Twelve b) Six c) Ten d) Eight

Bible Quizzes | Sodom and Gomorrah Quiz

Sodom and Gomorrah Quiz Questions 1. Where did God tell Abraham he would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their sin? a) Ur b) Mamre c) Shechem d) Bethel 2. Who asked God whether he would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if ten good men were found? a) Nahor b) Bethuel c) Abraham d) Hagar 3. What did Lot offer to the men who demanded Lot to hand over his guests to them? a) Money b) Daughters c) Gold d) Fields

Bible Quizzes | Jeremiah Quiz

1. Where was Jeremiah born? a) Tekoa b) Lystra c) Anathoth d) Bethel 2. Who was Jeremiah’s father? a) Samuel b) Hilkiah c) Aaron d) Jonah 3. When did Jeremiah begin his ministry? a) 586 BC b) 598 BC c) 626 BC d) 722 BC

Bible Quizzes | Jesus Quiz

1) Who is the mother of Jesus? a) Elizabeth b) Mary c) Sarah d) Rebecca 2) Who is the husband of Mary? a) Abraham b) David c) Solomon d) Joseph 3) Where was Jesus born? a) Arimathea b) Bethlehem c) Jericho d) Jerusalem

Bible Quizzes | Esther Quiz

Esther Quiz Questions with Answers 1. Where did Esther live? a) Susa b) Bethlehem c) Jericho d) Ashdod 2. What was Esther’s other name? a) Naomi b) Deborah c) Hadasa d) Lydia 3. Who refused to appear before Ahasuerus? a) Harbona b) Vashti c) Mehuman d) Jethar

Bible Quizzes | Jeroboam Quiz

1. Who was Jeroboam’s father? a) Gideon b) Samson c) Nebat d) Eli 2. Who was Jeroboam’s mother? a) Asenath b) Zeruah c) Zipporah d) Miriam 3. Which was Jeroboam’s tribe? a) Reuben b) Simeon c) Gad d) Ephraim