Category: Bible Quizzes

Mary Magdalene Quiz

Mary Magdalene
1. According to the Gospels, where was Mary Magdalene from? (a) Nazareth (b) Bethlehem (c) Magdala (d) Jerusalem 2. In the Gospels, how many demons are said to have been cast out of Mary Magdalene? (a) None (b) One (c) Seven (d) Twelve 3. What did Mary Magdalene, along with other women, do with their resources according to the Gospels? (a) Built orphanages (b) Supported Jesus and the disciples (c) Funded religious festivals (d) Donated to the temple

Herod Agrippa II Quiz

Herod Agrippa II
1. Where was Herod Agrippa II born? a) Antioch b) Beirut c) Rome d) Damascus 2. In which year Herod Agrippa II became King of Chalcis? a) 12 BC b) 10 BC c) 24 AD d) 50 AD 3. Who added Tiberias and parts of Peraea to Herod Agrippa II’s kingdom? a) Trajan b) Domitian c) Caligula d) Nero 4. Who brought Paul before Herod Agrippa II and Berenice? a) Gessius Florus b) Festus c) Cornelius d) Marcus Antonius Felix

Herod Agrippa I Quiz

Herod Agrippa
1. What was Herod Agrippa I’s original name? a) Gaius Julius Caesar b) Marcus Julius Agrippa c) Germanicus Julius Caesar d) Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa 2. Who were Herod Agrippa I’s parents? a) Phasaelus, Salampsio b) Aristobulus IV, Berenice c) Alexander, Alexandra d) Antipater, Cypros 3. Who imprisoned Herod Agrippa I? a) Nerva b) Hadrian c) Zeno d) Tiberias

Herod Antipas Quiz

Who denounced Herod Antipas’ marriage to Herodias? a) Elias b) Nathan c) Malachi d) John the Baptist What did Herodias tell her daughter to ask from Herod Antipas? a) Half Kingdom b) Head of John the Baptist c) One talent gold d) Diamond Who sent Jesus Christ to Herod Antipas? a) Pontius Pilate b) Annas c) Caiphas d) Gamaliel

Herod Quiz

1. When was Herod King? a) 14 AD – 37 AD b) 27 BC – 14 AD c) 37 BC – 4 BC d) 12 BC – 12 AD 2. Who made Herod tetrarch of Galilee? a) Julius Caesar b) Mark Antony c) Marius d) Sulla 3. Who was Herod’s first wife? a) Pallas b) Malthace c) Elpis d) Doris

Bible Quizzes | Elijah Quiz

1. What does Elijah in Hebrew mean? a) My God is Yahweh b) Gift of God c) Strength of God d) He who enlarges the people 2. Whom did Elijah warn of a drought? a) Jehu b) Ahab c) Omri d) Josiah 3. Who fed Elijah at Cherith? a) Parrots b) Jebusites c) Ravens d) Hittites

Bible Quizzes | Joseph Quiz

Joseph Quiz Questions and Answers 1. What was Jacob’s gift to Joseph? a) Diamond b) A coat of many colours c) Ruby d) A chariot drawn by seven horses 2. How many stars bowed before Joseph in his dream? a) 12 b) 15 c) 11 d) 16 3. Who prevented his brothers from killing Joseph? a) Dan b) Reuben c) Gad d) Asher

Bible Quizzes | Judith Quiz

Judith Quiz Questions 1. Who led the Assyrian army to Palestine? a) Holofernes b) Cyrus c) Darius d) Ptolemy 2. Whom did Holofernes banish for warning against attack on the Israelites? a) Obadiah b) Zechariah c) Achior d) Malachi 3. Where did Judith live? a) Shiraz b) Bethulia c) Babylon d) Nineveh

Bible Quizzes | Aaron Quiz

Aaron Quiz Questions 1. Who was Aaron’s father? a) Amram b) Nashon c) Aminadab d) Mishael 2. Who was Aaron’s mother? a) Abigail b) Dinah c) Jochebed d) Esther 3. Who was Aaron’s brother? a) Samson b) Moses c) Joshua d) Ner

Bible Quizzes | Moses Quiz

1) Who is the sister of Moses? a) Ruth c) Naomi c) Miriam d) Delilah 2) Who is the brother of Moses? a) Nadab b) Abihu c) Aaron d) Joshua 3) Where did God speak to Moses for the first time? a) Near Nile River b) At burning bush c) Giza d) Palestine