Category: Art

Claude Monet Quiz

Claude Monet, photo by Nadar, 1899. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Claude Monet Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When was Claude Monet born? a) 12 March 1844 b) 18 May 1842 c) 25 August 1838 d) 14 November 1840 2. Where was Claude Monet born? a) Le Havre b) Rouen c) Paris d) Nantes 3. Who introduced Claude Monet to the practice of painting in the open air? a) Eugene Boudin b) Charles Daubigny c) Constant Troyon d) Marie Jeanne Lecadre 4. Where did Claude Monet serve in the French army? a) Pondicherry b) Algeria c) New Caledonia d) Tonkin ... Read more

Paul Klee Quiz

Paul Klee was a painter born in Münchenbuchsee, Switzerland, and is considered to be a German-Swiss. His highly individual style was influenced by movements in art that included expressionism, cubism, and surrealism. He was also a student of orientalism.] Klee was a natural draftsman who experimented with and eventually got deep into color theory, writing about it extensively; his lectures Writings on Form and Design Theory (Schriften zur Form und Gestaltungslehre), published in English as the Paul Klee Notebooks, are held to be as important for modern art as Leonardo da Vinci’s A Treatise on Painting for the Renaissance. His ... Read more

Thomas Gainsborough Quiz

Thomas Gainsborough Quiz Questions and Answers/ 1. When was Thomas Gainsborough baptized? a) 1 January 1734 b) 14 May 1727 c) 15 July 1723 d) 5 October 1716 2. Where was Thomas Gainsborough baptized? a) Sudbury b) Ipswich c) Bath d) Plymouth 3. To which painter was Thomas Gainsborough an assistant? a) Hubert Gravelot b) Anthony Van Dyke c) Gaspard Dughet d) Claude Lorrain

Henri Rousseau Quiz

Henri Rousseau Quiz Questions Self-portrait of Henri Rousseau with a Lamp (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 1. When was Henri Rousseau born? a) 12 February 1848 b) 21 May 1844 c) 8 August 1846 d) 7 December 1842 2. Where was Henri Rousseau born? a) Laval b) Hermosillo c) Durango d) Xalapa 3. What was Henri Rousseau’s nickname? a) L’Aiglon b) Le Corse c) Le Petit Corporal d) Le Douanier 4. When did Henri Rousseau paint Carnival Evening? a) 1882 b) 1878 c) 1886 d) 1890 5. Who introduced Henri Rousseau to intellectuals? a) Alfred Jarry b) Pablo Picasso c) Clemence Boitard ... Read more

Harry Houdini Quiz

1. What was Harry Houdini’s original name? a) Reginald Scot b) Erik Weisz c) Harry Kellar d) Jean Prevost 2. When was Harry Houdini born? a) 24 March 1874 b) 5 April 1869 c) 21 September 1877 d) 31 December 1865 3. Where was Harry Houdini born? a) Athens b) Copenhagen c) Budapest d) Dresden

Raphael Quiz

Raphael Quiz Questions Raphael (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 1. What was Raphael’s original name? a) Raffael Mengs b) Piero della Francesca c) Luca Signorelli d) Raffaello Sanzio 2. When was Raphael born? a) 7 January 1484 b) 6 April 1483 c) 2 August 1479 d) 14 November 1475 3. Where was Raphael born? a) Urbino b) Ravenna c) Viterbo d) Palermo 4. Where did Raphael work as an apprentice? a) Naples b) Mantua c) Perugia d) Bordeaux 5. When did Raphael paint The Marriage of the Virgin? a) 1492 b) 1504 c) 1498 d) 1512 6. Where did Raphael paint The ... Read more

Christopher Wren Quiz

1. When was Christopher Wren’s design for St. Paul’s Cathedral accepted by the king of England? a) 1641 b) 1652 c) 1675 d) 1680 2. When was Christopher Wren born? a) 9 March 1631 b) 21 April 1636 c) 27 July 1635 d) 20 October 1632 3. Where was Christopher Wren born? a) Windsor b) East Knoyle c) Bristol d) Versailles

Henri Matisse Quiz

1. When was Henri Matisse born? a) 24 March 1874 b) 18 May 1872 c) 30 August 1870 d) 31 December 1869 2. Where was Henri Matisse born? a) Versailles b) Le Cateau c) Savoy d) Frankfurt 3. Who encouraged Henri Matisse to develop his own style of painting? a) Gustave Moraeau b) Fernand Cormon c) Pablo Picasso d) Milton Avery

Correggio Quiz

1. What was Correggio’s original name? a) Antonio Allegri b) Dante Alighieri c) Brunetto Latini d) Giovanni Villani 2. Where was Correggio born? a) Modena b) Perugia c) Correggio d) Bologna 3. Whose family chapel’s decoration did Correggio complete in Mantua? a) Paolo Uccello b) Luigi Gonzaga c) Lorenzo Costa d) Andrea Mantegna

Canaletto Quiz

21. What was Canaletto’s original name? Francesco Guardi Giovanni Antonio Canal Sandro Botticelli Jacopo BelliniCorrect Answer: Giovanni Antonio Canal 22. When was Canaletto born? 30 January 1694 14 May 1692 19 August 1696 18 October 1697Correct Answer: 18 October 1697 23. Where was Canaletto born? Turin Geneva Venice LausanneCorrect Answer: Venice 24. Where did Canaletto paint scenes for Alessandro Scarlatti operas? Rome Paris Dresden AmsterdamCorrect Answer: Rome 25. Which war reduced the number of visitors to Venice and affected Canaletto’s commissions? Crimean War War of Austrian Succession Boer War Zulu WarCorrect Answer: War of Austrian Succession 26. Who suggested to ... Read more