Canada Quiz

1. What is the status of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Dominion

2. Which is the capital of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Ottawa

3. Who is the patron saint of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: St. Jean de Brebeuf

4. Which are the official languages of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: English and French

5. When did Montreal host Olympics?
  • Correct Answer: 1976

6. Who was the Prime Minister of Canada from 1968 to 1979?
  • Correct Answer: Pierre Elliot Trudeau

7. What is in the centre of Canada’s flag?
  • Correct Answer: Maple leaf

8. Which of the following is not a province of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Rhode Island

9. Who said “The medium is the message.”?
  • Correct Answer: Marshall McLuhan

10. Who after winning gold medal in 100 metres race in Seoul Olympics 1988 tested positive for drugs and was thrown out?
  • Correct Answer: Ben Johnson

11. Which province of Canada has predominantly French population?
  • Correct Answer: Quebec

12. Which of the following islands is not a part of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Greenland

13. In which province a referendum on independence was held in 1995?
  • Correct Answer: Quebec

14. Who won the Olympic gold medal in 100 metres race in Atlanta Olympics 1996?
  • Correct Answer: Donovan Bailey

15. Who is the first Canadian Cardinal ?
  • Correct Answer: Elzear Alexandre Taschereau

16. Where was Jesuit missionary Isaac Jogues born ?
  • Correct Answer: Orleans

17. Which is the national animal of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Beaver

18. Which are the two Houses of Canadian Parliament?
  • Correct Answer: Senate and House of Commons

19. Which country has larger area than Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Russia

20. Who is the Head of State of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Monarch of UK

21. Which country is on the south of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: USA

22. Which is the predominant religion of Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Christianity

23. Which is the longest river in Canada?
  • Correct Answer: MacKenzie

24. Which is the highest mountain in Canada?
  • Correct Answer: Logan

25. Canada has how may time zones?
  • Correct Answer: Six