Buddha Quiz

Buddha Quiz Questions

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1. Where was Buddha born?
a) Pataliputra
b) Agra
c) Lumbini
d) Kanpur

2. What was Buddha’s original name?
a) Shuddhodana
b) Siddhartha
c) Vardhamana
d) Chanakya

3. When did Buddha live?
a) 560-480 BC
b) 1800-1680 BC
c) 160-220 AD
d) 970-1030 AD

4. Who was Buddha’s son?
a) Devadatta
b) Ajatashatru
c) Rahula
d) Shariputra

5. Who asked Buddha to share his kingdom?
a) Chandragupta
b) Bimbisara
c) Ashoka
d) Samudragupta

6. Where did Buddha attain enlightenment?
a) Shravasti
b) Vaishali
c) Rajagriha
d) Bodh Gaya

7. Where did Buddha have first disciples?
a) Ranchi
b) Lucknow
c) Sarnath
d) Ambikapur

8. Who donated the Jetavana monastery to Buddha?
a) Ananda
b) Angulimala
c) Kunala
d) Anathapindada

9. How many years did Buddha preach?
a) 25
b) 20
c) 45
d) 30

10. Where did Buddha die?
a) Sanchi
b) Mandalay
c) Kushinagar
d) Kandy

Buddha Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Where was Buddha born?
c) Lumbini

2. What was Buddha’s original name?
b) Siddhartha

3. When did Buddha live?
a) 560-480 BC

4. Who was Buddha’s son?
c) Rahula

5. Who asked Buddha to share his kingdom?
b) Bimbisara

6. Where did Buddha attain enlightenment?
d) Bodh Gaya

7. Where did Buddha have first disciples?
c) Sarnath

8. Who donated the Jetavana monastery to Buddha?
d) Anathapindada

9. How many years did Buddha preach?
c) 45

10. Where did Buddha die?
c) Kushinagar

Four Noble Truths

1. Suffering exists
2. Suffering arises from attachment to desires
3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases
4. Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path

The Noble Eightfold Path

1. Right View
2. Right Intention
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration