Bible Quizzes | Jesus Quiz

Jesus Quiz Questions

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1) Who is the mother of Jesus?
a) Elizabeth
b) Mary
c) Sarah
d) Rebecca

2) Who is the husband of Mary?
a) Abraham
b) David
c) Solomon
d) Joseph

3) Where was Jesus born?
a) Arimathea
b) Bethlehem
c) Jericho
d) Jerusalem

4) Where did Joseph flee with Mary and Jesus when Herod ordered the killing of babies?
a) Egypt
b) Libya
c) Lebanon
d) Arabia

5) How old was Jesus at the time of his baptism?
a) 20 years
b) 30 years
c) 40 years
d) 50 years

6) Who spoke to Jesus during Transfiguration?
a) Abraham
b) Moses and Elijah
c) Aaron
d) David

7) Who said to Jesus You are Christ, Son of the Living God.”?
a) Andrew
b) James
c) John
d) Peter

8) Who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
a) Lazarus
b) Zebedee
c) Levy
d) Zachaeus

9) Who betrayed Jesus?
a) Thomas
b) Judas
c) James
d) Simon the zealot

10) Who denied Jesus?
a) Nathaniel
b) Judas
c) Peter
d) Simon the zealot

11) Who is the first person to see Jesus after resurrection?
a) Philip
b) John
c) Peter
d) Mary Magdalene

12) Where was Jesus baptised?
a) Red Sea
b) River Jordan
c) Dead Sea
d) River Nile

13) Who doubted the resurrection of Jesus?
a) Thomas
b) Jude
c) James
d) Philip

14) Who showed Jesus to the people and said “Behold the man.”?
a) Annas
b) Caiphas
c) Herod
d) Pilate

15) How many days did Jesus fast at the beginning of his public life?
a) Twenty
b) Thirty
c) Forty
d) Sixty

16) What was written on the cross of Jesus?
a) Jesus is Lord
b) Jesus is the Son of God
c) Jesus saves
d) Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews

17) What were the gifts of wise men to Jesus?
a) Camels
b) Goats
c) Cows
d) Gold, frankincense and myrrh

18) What is Lord’s Prayer?
a) Benedictus
b) Magnificat
c) Our Father
d) Te Deum

19) How old was Jesus at the time of his crucifixion?
a) Eighty years
b) Seventy years
c) Fifty years
d) Thirty three years

20) How old was John the Baptist at the time of the birth of Jesus?
a) Two years
b) One year
c) six months
d) Three months

21) Where did Jesus drive away the money lenders?
a) Temple
b) Synagogue
c) Palace
d) Inn

22) How is the day of the arrest of Jesus known?
a) Palm Sunday
b) Maundy Thursday
c) Pentecost
d) Easter

23) Where did Jesus grow up?
a) Cana
b) Jerusalem
c) Nazareth
d) Bethany

24) In the parable of wise and foolish virgins, what is the number of foolish virgins?
a) Five
b) Six
c) Seven
d) Eight

25) Who was told by Jesus to come out of the tomb?
a) Martha
b) Susanna
c) Cleophas
d) Lazarus

Jesus Quiz Questions with Answers

1) Who is the mother of Jesus?
b) Mary

2) Who is the husband of Mary?
d) Joseph

3) Where was Jesus born?
b) Bethlehem

4) Where did Joseph flee with Mary and Jesus when Herod ordered the killing of babies?
a) Egypt

5) How old was Jesus at the time of his baptism?
b) 30 years

6) Who spoke to Jesus during Transfiguration?
b) Moses and Elijah

7) Who said to Jesus “You are Christ, Son of the Living God.”?
d) Peter

8) Who climbed a tree to see Jesus?
d) Zachaeus

9) Who betrayed Jesus?
b) Judas

10) Who denied Jesus?
c) Peter

11) Who is the first person to see Jesus after resurrection?
d) Mary Magdalene

12) Where was Jesus baptised?
b) River Jordan

13) Who doubted the resurrection of Jesus?
a) Thomas

14) Who showed Jesus to the people and said “Behold the man.”?
d) Pilate

15) How many days did Jesus fast at the beginning of his public life?
c) Forty

16) What was written on the cross of Jesus?
d) Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews

17) What were the gifts of wise men to Jesus?
d) Gold, frankincense and myrrh

18) What is Lord’s Prayer?
c) Our Father

19) How old was Jesus at the time of his crucifixion?
d) Thirty three years

20) How old was John the Baptist at the time of the birth of Jesus?
c) six months

21) Where did Jesus drive away the money lenders?
a) Temple

22) How is the day of the arrest of Jesus known?
b) Maundy Thursday

23) Where did Jesus grow up?
c) Nazareth

24) In the parable of wise and foolish virgins, what is the number of foolish virgins?
a) Five

25) Who was told by Jesus to come out of the tomb?
d) Lazarus