Bible Quizzes | Jeroboam Quiz

Jeroboam sets up two golden calves, from the Bible Historiale. Den Haag, MMW, 10 B 23 165r (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Jeroboam Quiz Questions

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1. Who was Jeroboam’s father?
a) Gideon
b) Samson
c) Nebat
d) Eli

2. Who was Jeroboam’s mother?
a) Asenath
b) Zeruah
c) Zipporah
d) Miriam

3. Which was Jeroboam’s tribe?
a) Reuben
b) Simeon
c) Gad
d) Ephraim

4. Who appointed Jeroboam superintendent for the building of fortress Mello?
a) Solomon
b) David
c) Saul
d) Abner

5. Who prophesied Jeroboam will be King of Ten Tribes of Israel?
a) Ahijah
b) Daniel
c) Amos
d) Hosea

6. Where did Jeroboam flee?
a) Lebanon
b) Egypt
c) Syria
d) Persia

7. Where did the Ten Tribes of Israel proclaim Jeroboam their King?
a) Jericho
b) Shechem
c) Ashdod
d) Haifa

8. Where did Jeroboam set up sanctuaries with golden calves?
a) Amman and Damascus
b) Tyre
c) Bethel and Dan
d) Sidon

9. Where did Jeroboam send his wife in disguise to meet Ahijah?
a) Shiloh
b) Babylon
c) Ur
d) Haran

10. How many years did Jeroboam rule?
a) 16
b) 14
c) 24
d) 22

Jeroboam Quiz Questions with Answers

The United Kingdom of Solomon breaks up, with Jeroboam ruling over the Northern Kingdom of Israel (in green on the map). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. Who was Jeroboam’s father?
c) Nebat

2. Who was Jeroboam’s mother?
b) Zeruah

3. Which was Jeroboam’s tribe?
d) Ephraim

4. Who appointed Jeroboam superintendent for the building of fortress Mello?
a) Solomon

5. Who prophesied Jeroboam will be King of Ten Tribes of Israel?
a) Ahijah

6. Where did Jeroboam flee?
b) Egypt

7. Where did the Ten Tribes of Israel proclaim Jeroboam their King?
b) Shechem

8. Where did Jeroboam set up sanctuaries with golden calves?
c) Bethel and Dan

9. Where did Jeroboam send his wife in disguise to meet Ahijah?
a) Shiloh

10. How many years did Jeroboam rule?
d) 22