Bible Quizzes | Esther Quiz

Esther Quiz Questions

1. Where did Esther live?
a) Susa
b) Bethlehem
c) Jericho
d) Ashdod

2. What was Esther’s other name?
a) Naomi
b) Deborah
c) Hadasa
d) Lydia

3. Who refused to appear before Ahasuerus?
a) Harbona
b) Vashti
c) Mehuman
d) Jethar

4. Who was Ahasuerus’ prime minister?
a) Nathan
b) Abagta
c) Carcas
d) Haman

5. Who did not kneel before Haman?
a) Daniel
b) Ezekiel
c) Mordecai
d) Elijah

6. How did Haman decide the date to exterminate Jews?
a) Cast lots
b) Asked octopus
c) Took tarot card
d) Tossed a coin

7. Whom did Esther invite for dinner?
a) Mordecai
b) Vashti
c) Ahasuerus and Haman
d) Haggai

8. Why did Ahasuerus want to honour Mordecai?
a) He had interpreted Ahasuerus’ dream.
b) He had told Ahasuerus about the plot to kill him.
c) He was wise.
d) He won a battle.

9. How did Haman die?
a) Beheaded
b) Shot with arrows
c) Drowned
d) Hanged

10. Which feast celebrates the triumph of Jews over Haman and other enemies?
a) Hanukkah
b) Purim
c) Nebim
d) Ketubim

Esther Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Where did Esther live?
a) Susa

2. What was Esther’s other name?
c) Hadasa

3. Who refused to appear before Ahasuerus?
b) Vashti

4. Who was Ahasuerus’ prime minister?
d) Haman

5. Who did not kneel before Haman?
c) Mordecai

6. How did Haman decide the date to exterminate Jews?
a) Cast lots

7. Whom did Esther invite for dinner?
c) Ahasuerus and Haman

8. Why did Ahasuerus want to honour Mordecai?
b) He had told Ahasuerus about the plot to kill him.

9. How did Haman die?
d) Hanged

10. Which feast celebrates the triumph of Jews over Haman and other enemies?
b) Purim

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