Benito Mussolini Quiz

Benito Mussolini. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Benito Mussolini Quiz Questions

1. When did Benito Mussolini first become the Prime Minister of Italy?
a) 12 January 1914
b) 3 April 1906
c) 5 August 1918
d) 31 October 1922

2. When was Benito Mussolini born?
a) 9 February 1889
b) 3 May 1901
c) 29 July 1883
d) 31 December 1900

3. Where was Benito Mussolini born?
a) Turin
b) Predappio
c) Verona
d) Bari

4. Of which newspaper was Benito Mussolini appointed editor in 1912?
a) Avanti!
b) Famiglia Christiana
c) Le Monde
d) Milano

5. Which party expelled Benito Mussolini?
a) Labour
b) Republican
c) Nationalist
d) Socialist

6. How were Benito Mussolini’s followers known?
a) Black shirts
b) Red hats
c) White ties
d) White knights

7. What great accomplishment did Benito Mussolini announce on 9 May 1936?
a) Marconi won Nobel Prize.
b) Italy had its empire.
c) Discovery of South Pole.
d) Discovery of North Pole.

8. When did Italy join World War II?
a) 5 February 1938
b) 10 June 1940
c) 3 September 1939
d) 7 December 1941

9. When did German commandos rescue Benito Mussolini from a hotel?
a) 9 March 1942
b) 5 June 1944
c) 12 September 1943
d) 8 November 1944

10. When did Benito Mussolini die?
a) 31 January 1946
b) 28 April 1945
c) 1 August 1949
d) 3 November 1952

Benito Mussolini Quiz Questions with Answers

Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Munich, Germany, ca. 06/1940 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. When did Benito Mussolini first become the Prime Minister of Italy?
d) 31 October 1922

2. When was Benito Mussolini born?
c) 29 July 1883

3. Where was Benito Mussolini born?
b) Predappio

4. Of which newspaper was Benito Mussolini appointed editor in 1912?
a) Avanti!

5. Which party expelled Benito Mussolini?
d) Socialist

6. How were Benito Mussolini’s followers known?
a) Black shirts

7. What great accomplishment did Benito Mussolini announce on 9 May 1936?
b) Italy had its empire.

8. When did Italy join World War II?
b) 10 June 1940

9. When did German commandos rescue Benito Mussolini from a hotel?
c) 12 September 1943

10. When did Benito Mussolini die?
b) 28 April 1945

Photo by State Library of New South Wales collection