Benedict IX Quiz

(Benedict IX is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Teofilatto born?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

2. To which family did Teofilatto belong?
  • Correct Answer: Tusculani

3. When was Benedict IX elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 21 October 1032

4. Who was the archbishop of Milan excommunicated by Benedict IX?
  • Correct Answer: Heribert

5. Who helped Benedict IX to return to Rome when he was driven out in 1036?
  • Correct Answer: Conrad II

6. To whom did Benedict IX sell the papacy?
  • Correct Answer: Giovanni Graziano

7. Which council deposed Benedict IX and two other claimants to papacy?
  • Correct Answer: Council of Sutri

8. When did Benedict IX return to Rome and install himself as pope?
  • Correct Answer: 8 November 1047

9. Who drove Benedict IX out of Rome on 17 July 1048?
  • Correct Answer: Cesare Borgia

10. Where did Benedict IX die?
  • Correct Answer: Grottaferrata