Author: Mauvin Sequeira

South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Quiz

1. When was SAARC established? (a) 1980 (b) 1983 (c) 1985 (d) 1987 2. The headquarters of SAARC is located in: (a) Dhaka, Bangladesh (b) Islamabad, Pakistan (c) Kathmandu, Nepal (d) New Delhi, India 3. Which country joined SAARC last? (a) Afghanistan (b) Bangladesh (c) Bhutan (d) Maldives

Association of Southeast Asian Nations Quiz

1. When was ASEAN established? (a) 1965 (b) 1967 (c) 1970 (d) 1972 2. Where was the ASEAN Declaration signed? (a) Jakarta, Indonesia (b) Bangkok, Thailand (c) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (d) Manila, Philippines 3. How many member states does ASEAN currently have? (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Quiz

1. When was NATO founded? (a) 1945 (b) 1949 (c) 1952 (d) 1955 2. What is the primary purpose of NATO? (a) Economic cooperation (b) Environmental protection (c) Collective defense (d) Humanitarian aid 3. Where is the headquarters of NATO located? (a) Paris, France (b) London, United Kingdom (c) Brussels, Belgium (d) Washington D.C., United States

Amnesty International Quiz

1. Amnesty International is primarily concerned with: (a) Protecting the environment (b) Promoting human rights (c) Fighting poverty (d) Advancing animal welfare 2. When was Amnesty International founded? (a) 1945 (b) 1961 (c) 1977 (d) 1985 3. Amnesty International's headquarters are located in: (a) New York City (b) London (c) Paris (d) Geneva

Commonwealth of Nations Quiz

1. The Commonwealth of Nations is primarily a(n): (a) Economic union (b) Political alliance (c) Intergovernmental organization (d) Military pact 2. Which of the following is NOT a member of the Commonwealth of Nations? (a) Canada (b) Australia (c) United States (d) India 3. The head of the Commonwealth is: (a) The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (b) The President of the United States (c) The Secretary-General of the Commonwealth (d) The reigning British monarch

International Maritime Organisation Quiz

1. What is the primary role of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)? (a) To regulate global air traffic (b) To oversee international trade agreements (c) To manage maritime and shipping-related issues (d) To protect endangered marine species 2. When was the IMO established? (a) 1945 (b) 1959 (c) 1973 (d) 1982 3. Where is the headquarters of the IMO located? (a) New York City, USA (b) Geneva, Switzerland (c) London, United Kingdom (d) Paris, France

United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation Quiz

1. When was UNESCO founded? (a) 1942 (b) 1945 (c) 1948 (d) 1951 2. Where is the headquarters of UNESCO located? (a) New York City, USA (b) Paris, France (c) London, England (d) Geneva, Switzerland 3. Which of the following is NOT a primary focus of UNESCO? (a) Education (b) Science (c) Culture (d) Global health


1. What does UNAIDS stand for? (a) United Nations AIDS Infrastructure Development Scheme (b) United Nations Alliance for AIDS Development (c) United Nations Agency for Infectious Diseases (d) United Nations Alliance for Immunodeficiency Syndrome 2. When was UNAIDS established? (a) 1987 (b) 1990 (c) 1993 (d) 1996 3. What is the primary goal of UNAIDS? (a) To eradicate malaria globally (b) To end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030 (c) To develop a vaccine for HIV/AIDS (d) To provide humanitarian aid to countries affected by conflict

World Intellectual Property Organisation Quiz

1. What is the primary role of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)? (a) To protect human rights (b) To promote international cooperation in intellectual property (c) To regulate global trade (d) To maintain international peace and security 2. Which of the following is NOT a type of intellectual property protected by WIPO? (a) Patents (b) Trademarks (c) Copyrights (d) Real estate 3. The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property is administered by: (a) The United Nations (b) The World Trade Organization (c) WIPO (d) The European Union

World Meteorological Organisation

1. What is the primary role of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)? (a) To study the effects of climate change on human health (b) To coordinate international cooperation on atmospheric science, hydrology, and climatology (c) To predict earthquakes and other natural disasters (d) To monitor global air pollution levels 2. When was the WMO established? (a) 1947 (b) 1950 (c) 1963 (d) 1972 3. Where is the headquarters of the WMO located? (a) New York City, USA (b) Geneva, Switzerland (c) Paris, France (d) London, United Kingdom