Author: Mauvin Sequeira
Monty Python’s Flying Circus Quiz
1. What was the catchphrase of the "It's..." man? (a) And now for something completely different! (b) And now for something slightly different! (c) And now for something entirely different! (d) And now for something radically different! 2. What is the name of the spam-obsessed café in one sketch? (a) The Spam Omelette Café (b) The Spammy Café (c) The Spam Horse and Cart (d) Green Midget Cafe 3. What is the subject of the "Dead Parrot" sketch? (a) A deceased budgie (b) A deceased parrot (c) A deceased hamster (d) A deceased goldfish
Blackadder Quiz
1. What is Edmund's primary motivation throughout the first series? (a) To serve his country (b) To win the hand of the Queen (c) To increase his social standing and wealth (d) To overthrow his father 2. Who is Edmund's main confidante and sidekick? (a) Lord Flashheart (b) Queen Elizabeth I (c) Baldrick (d) Percy 3. What is Edmund's nickname in this series? (a) The Serpent (b) The Adder (c) The Fox (d) The Lionheart
The IT Crowd Quiz
1. What is the name of the company Roy and Moss work for? (a) Peynholm Industries (b) Reynholm Industries (c) Dennison Corp. (d) Mendac Ltd. 2. What department do Roy and Moss work in? (a) Human Resources (b) Marketing (c) IT (d) Sales 3. What is Jen's official job title? (a) Head of IT (b) Relationship Manager (c) IT Manager (d) Office Manager
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Quiz
1. What is Charlie Kelly's primary job at Paddy's Pub? (a) Bartender (b) Bouncer (c) Janitor (d) Manager 2. Dee Reynolds is often referred to as: (a) Sweet Dee (b) The Waitress (c) Artemis (d) Bird 3. Frank Reynolds is related to which other character(s)? (a) Charlie Kelly (b) Dennis and Dee Reynolds (c) Mac (d) All of the above
The Office Quiz
1. What is the name of the company Michael Scott works for? (a) Dunder Mifflin (b) Staples (c) Office Depot (d) Paper Plus 2. What is Michael's middle name? (a) Gary (b) Kurt (c) Garth (d) Howard 3. What is the name of Pam's art school friend? (a) Karen (b) Roy (c) Alex (d) Michael
Friends Quiz
1. What is the name of the coffee shop the friends frequent? (a) Central Perk (b) Java Joe's (c) Bean There, Done That (d) The Daily Grind 2. What is Rachel's last name? (a) Green (b) Bing (c) Geller (d) Buffay 3. What is Chandler's middle name? (a) Michael (b) Bing (c) Francis (d) Muriel
The Sopranos Quiz
1. What is Tony Soprano's profession? (a) Garbage collector (b) Restaurant owner (c) Strip club owner (d) Mobster 2. What is the name of Tony's wife? (a) Carmela (b) Adriana (c) Jennifer (d) Janice 3. What is the name of Tony's therapist? (a) Dr. Phil (b) Dr. Jennifer Melfi (c) Dr. Drew (d) Dr. Joyce Brothers
Seinfield Quiz
1. What is Jerry's last name? (a) Seinfeld (b) Kramer (c) Costanza (d) Benes 2. What is Kramer's first name? (a) Cosmo (b) Newman (c) Frank (d) Morty 3. What is George's middle name? (a) Louis (b) Michael (c) Jason (d) Larry
Twin Peaks Quiz
1. What is the name of the town where Twin Peaks is set? (a) Deer Meadow (b) Snoqualmie (c) North Bend (d) Twin Peaks 2. Who is found dead at the beginning of the series? (a) Laura Palmer (b) Teresa Banks (c) Maddy Ferguson (d) Donna Hayward 3. What is Agent Dale Cooper's favorite drink? (a) Coffee (b) Tea (c) Hot Chocolate (d) Espresso
The Wire Quiz
1. What city is The Wire primarily set in? (a) New York City (b) Baltimore (c) Chicago (d) Philadelphia 2. Who is the head of the Barksdale Organization in Season 1? (a) Stringer Bell (b) Avon Barksdale (c) Proposition Joe (d) Brother Mouzone 3. What is the nickname given to the detail investigating the Barksdale organization? (a) The Barksdale Detail (b) The Major Crimes Unit (c) The Drug Squad (d) The Homicide Unit