As You Like It Quiz

As You Like It Quiz Questions

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1. Who is the rightful Duke of the forest of Arden?
(a) Duke Frederick
(b) Duke Senior
(c) Oliver
(d) Jaques

2. Why is Rosalind banished from the court?
(a) She is caught stealing.
(b) She falls in love with Orlando.
(c) Her father, Duke Senior, is exiled.
(d) Duke Frederick is jealous of her popularity.

3. What is the name of the shepherdess that Rosalind disguises herself as?
(a) Celia
(b) Ganymede
(c) Phebe
(d) Aliena

4. Who is the melancholy character who delivers the famous “Seven Ages of Man” speech?
(a) Touchstone
(b) Jaques
(c) Orlando
(d) Duke Senior

5. Who is the clown or fool in the play?
(a) Touchstone
(b) Jaques
(c) Orlando
(d) Duke Senior

6. What is the name of the wrestling tournament that Orlando participates in?
(a) The Duke’s Challenge
(b) The Arden Games
(c) The Forest Festival
(d) The Royal Joust

7. Who is the object of Orlando’s affections?
(a) Celia
(b) Rosalind
(c) Audrey
(d) Phebe

8. What is the main theme of the play?
(a) The importance of family
(b) The power of love
(c) The dangers of jealousy
(d) The futility of war

9. Who is the shepherd who falls in love with Rosalind disguised as Ganymede?
(a) Orlando
(b) Silvius
(c) Touchstone
(d) Oliver

10. What is the significance of the green world of Arden?
(a) It represents a place of freedom and escape.
(b) It symbolizes the dangers of the natural world.
(c) It is a place of great wealth and luxury.
(d) It is a symbol of the corrupting influence of power.

11. What is the final outcome of the play?
(a) Duke Frederick is overthrown, and Duke Senior is restored to the throne.
(b) Orlando and Rosalind are exiled from the forest.
(c) Celia and Oliver are married.
(d) Touchstone becomes the king of Arden.

12. Who is the character who says, “All the world’s a stage”?
(a) Touchstone
(b) Jaques
(c) Orlando
(d) Duke Senior

13. What is the significance of the “All the world’s a stage” speech?
(a) It is a reflection on the nature of life and its various stages.
(b) It is a critique of the theatrical world.
(c) It is a warning about the dangers of acting.
(d) It is a celebration of the power of imagination.

14. What is the name of the disguised Rosalind’s companion in the forest?
(a) Celia
(b) Audrey
(c) Phebe
(d) Aliena

15. Who is the character who challenges Orlando to a wrestling match?
(a) Charles the Wrestler
(b) Duke Frederick
(c) Oliver
(d) Jaques

16. What is the reason for Orlando’s challenge to Charles the Wrestler?
(a) To win a prize
(b) To prove his strength
(c) To impress Rosalind
(d) To avenge his brother

17. What is the setting of the play?
(a) A bustling city
(b) A deserted island
(c) A magical forest
(d) A royal court

18. What is the name of the disguised Celia’s companion in the forest?
(a) Celia
(b) Audrey
(c) Phebe
(d) Aliena

19. Who is the character who is often seen as a symbol of melancholy and disillusionment?
(a) Touchstone
(b) Jaques
(c) Orlando
(d) Duke Senior

20. What is the significance of the “All’s well that ends well” theme in the play?
(a) It suggests that happiness is inevitable.
(b) It emphasizes the importance of perseverance.
(c) It implies that love conquers all.
(d) It suggests that life is a series of fortunate accidents.

21. Who is the character who is often seen as a symbol of the corrupting influence of power?
(a) Duke Frederick
(b) Duke Senior
(c) Oliver
(d) Jaques

22. What do Rosalind and Celia disguise themselves as when they flee to the Forest of Arden?
(a) Brothers
(b) Sisters
(c) Cousins
(d) Friends

23. Who is the witty and cynical character who often comments on the absurdity of life?
(a) Touchstone
(b) Orlando
(c) Jaques
(d) Duke Senior

24. Who is the faithful servant who accompanies Orlando into exile?
(a) Adam
(b) Corin
(c) Touchstone
(d) Silvius

25. Who is the main character in the play?
(a) Rosalind
(b) Orlando
(c) Duke Senior
(d) Jaques

As You Like It Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Who is the rightful Duke of the forest of Arden?
(b) Duke Senior

2. Why is Rosalind banished from the court?
(d) Duke Frederick is jealous of her popularity.

3. What is the name of the shepherdess that Rosalind disguises herself as?
(b) Ganymede

4. Who is the melancholy character who delivers the famous “Seven Ages of Man” speech?
(b) Jaques

5. Who is the clown or fool in the play?
(a) Touchstone

6. What is the name of the wrestling tournament that Orlando participates in?
(a) The Duke’s Challenge

7. Who is the object of Orlando’s affections?
(b) Rosalind

8. What is the main theme of the play?
(b) The power of love

9. Who is the shepherd who falls in love with Rosalind disguised as Ganymede?
(a) Orlando

10. What is the significance of the green world of Arden?
(a) It represents a place of freedom and escape.

11. What is the final outcome of the play?
(a) Duke Frederick is overthrown, and Duke Senior is restored to the throne.

12. Who is the character who says, “All the world’s a stage”?
(b) Jaques

13. What is the significance of the “All the world’s a stage” speech?
(a) It is a reflection on the nature of life and its various stages.

14. What is the name of the disguised Rosalind’s companion in the forest?
(a) Celia

15. Who is the character who challenges Orlando to a wrestling match?
(a) Charles the Wrestler

16. What is the reason for Orlando’s challenge to Charles the Wrestler?
(b) To prove his strength

17. What is the setting of the play?
(c) A magical forest

18. What is the name of the disguised Celia’s companion in the forest?
(d) Aliena

19. Who is the character who is often seen as a symbol of melancholy and disillusionment?
(b) Jaques

20. What is the significance of the “All’s well that ends well” theme in the play?
(c) It implies that love conquers all.

21. Who is the character who is often seen as a symbol of the corrupting influence of power?
(a) Duke Frederick

22. What do Rosalind and Celia disguise themselves as when they flee to the Forest of Arden?
(b) Sisters

23. Who is the witty and cynical character who often comments on the absurdity of life?
(a) Touchstone

24. Who is the faithful servant who accompanies Orlando into exile?
(a) Adam

25. Who is the main character in the play?
(a) Rosalind