Arkansas Quiz

1. Which state is to the north of Arkansas?
  • Correct Answer: Missouri

2. Which state is to the south of Arkansas?
  • Correct Answer: Louisiana

3. Who founded Arkansas Post?
  • Correct Answer: Henri de Tonty

4. When was Arkansas separated from Missouri?
  • Correct Answer: 1819

5. When did State Agricultural and Mechanical College change its name to Arkansas State University?
  • Correct Answer: 1967

6. Which is the capital of Arkansas?
  • Correct Answer: Little Rock

7. Which is the highest point in Arkansas?
  • Correct Answer: Mount Magazine

8. What is the area of Arkansas?
  • Correct Answer: 53,187 sq. mi.

9. Who of the following presidents of USA was born in Arkansas?
  • Correct Answer: William Jefferson Clinton

10. Who was elected Arkansas’ governor in 1966?
  • Correct Answer: Winthrop Rockefeller