Angkor Wat Quiz

Angkor Wat Quiz Questions

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1. In which country is Angkor Wat located?
(a) Thailand
(b) Vietnam
(c) Cambodia
(d) Laos

2. Angkor Wat was originally built as a temple dedicated to which deity?
(a) Shiva
(b) Vishnu
(c) Brahma
(d) Buddha

3. Which dynasty built Angkor Wat?
(a) Khmer
(b) Cham
(c) Angkor
(d) Chenla

4. Angkor Wat is primarily made of which material?
(a) Brick
(b) Wood
(c) Sandstone
(d) Granite

5. What is the central feature of Angkor Wat?
(a) A pyramid
(b) A large statue
(c) A Quincunx of towers
(d) A moat

6. The intricate carvings on Angkor Wat primarily depict scenes from which mythology?
(a) Greek
(b) Egyptian
(c) Hindu and Buddhist
(d) Chinese

7. Angkor Wat is famous for its unique architectural style, often referred to as:
(a) Gothic
(b) Khmer
(c) Mughal
(d) Baroque

8. When was Angkor Wat built?
(a) 5th century
(b) 7th century
(c) 12th century
(d) 15th century

9. Angkor Wat was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in which year?
(a) 1961
(b) 1972
(c) 1992
(d) 2001

10. What is the largest religious structure in the world?
(a) The Great Pyramid of Giza
(b) St. Peter’s Basilica
(c) Angkor Wat
(d) Borobudur

11. Which direction does Angkor Wat face?
(a) East
(b) West
(c) North
(d) South

12. The central tower of Angkor Wat represents what?
(a) Mount Meru, the mythical home of the gods
(b) The sun
(c) The king
(d) The moon

13. Angkor Wat was originally a Hindu temple but later converted to which religion?
(a) Islam
(b) Buddhism
(c) Jainism
(d) Confucianism

14. The bas-reliefs at Angkor Wat are famous for their depiction of what?
(a) Battles and warfare
(b) Daily life and agriculture
(c) Mythological stories and religious scenes
(d) Royal court ceremonies

15. What is the name of the main entrance to Angkor Wat?
(a) The Eastern Gate
(b) The Southern Gate
(c) The Western Gate
(d) The Northern Gate

16. Angkor Wat was rediscovered by the Western world in which century?
(a) 16th century
(b) 17th century
(c) 18th century
(d) 19th century

17. What is the approximate size of the Angkor Wat temple complex?
(a) 1 square kilometer
(b) 2 square kilometers
(c) 8 square kilometers
(d) 12 square kilometers

18. What is the primary threat to the preservation of Angkor Wat?
(a) Water Shortage
(b) Terrorism
(c) Overtourism and climate change
(d) War

19. The Angkor Wat complex is home to a variety of wildlife, including:
(a) Tigers and elephants
(b) Monkeys and birds
(c) Snakes and crocodiles
(d) Bears and deer

20. The best time to visit Angkor Wat is during which season?
(a) The rainy season
(b) The hot season
(c) The dry season
(d) Any time of the year

21. There is a popular belief that Angkor Wat was built by aliens. Is this true?
(a) Yes, there is strong evidence
(b) No, it is a myth
(c) It is still under investigation
(d) Unknown

22. Angkor Wat has inspired many works of art and literature. Which famous movie features Angkor Wat prominently?
(a) Raiders of the Lost Ark
(b) Rise of the Planet of the Apes
(c) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(d) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

23. Visiting Angkor Wat is a life-changing experience for many people. What is the most common emotion people feel after visiting?
(a) Disappointment
(b) Awe and wonder
(c) Boredom
(d) Indifference

24. Who is credited with building Angkor Wat?
(a) Jayavarman II
(b) Suryavarman II
(c) Rajendravarman I
(d) Yasodharapura

25. Which body of water is closest to Angkor Wat?
(a) Mekong River
(b) Tonle Sap Lake
(c) South China Sea
(d) Indian Ocean

Angkor Wat Quiz Questions with Answers

1. In which country is Angkor Wat located?
(c) Cambodia

2. Angkor Wat was originally built as a temple dedicated to which deity?
(b) Vishnu

3. Which dynasty built Angkor Wat?
(a) Khmer

4. Angkor Wat is primarily made of which material?
(c) Sandstone

5. What is the central feature of Angkor Wat?
(c) A Quincunx of towers

6. The intricate carvings on Angkor Wat primarily depict scenes from which mythology?
(c) Hindu and Buddhist

7. Angkor Wat is famous for its unique architectural style, often referred to as:
(b) Khmer

8. When was Angkor Wat built?
(c) 12th century

9. Angkor Wat was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in which year?
(c) 1992

10. What is the largest religious structure in the world?
(c) Angkor Wat

11. Which direction does Angkor Wat face?
(b) West

12. The central tower of Angkor Wat represents what?
(a) Mount Meru, the mythical home of the gods

13. Angkor Wat was originally a Hindu temple but later converted to which religion?
(b) Buddhism

14. The bas-reliefs at Angkor Wat are famous for their depiction of what?
(a) Battles and warfare

15. What is the name of the main entrance to Angkor Wat?
(c) The Western Gate

16. Angkor Wat was rediscovered by the Western world in which century?
(d) 19th century

17. What is the approximate size of the Angkor Wat temple complex?
(b) 2 square kilometers

18. What is the primary threat to the preservation of Angkor Wat?
(a) Water Shortage

19. The Angkor Wat complex is home to a variety of wildlife, including:
(b) Monkeys and birds

20. The best time to visit Angkor Wat is during which season?
(c) The dry season

21. There is a popular belief that Angkor Wat was built by aliens. Is this true?
(b) No, it is a myth

22. Angkor Wat has inspired many works of art and literature. Which famous movie features Angkor Wat prominently?
(d) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

23. Visiting Angkor Wat is a life-changing experience for many people. What is the most common emotion people feel after visiting?
(b) Awe and wonder

24. Who is credited with building Angkor Wat?
(b) Suryavarman II

25. Which body of water is closest to Angkor Wat?
(b) Tonle Sap Lake