Andrew Jackson Quiz

(This quiz is about the seventh President of USA.)

Andrew Jackson Quiz Questions

1) Which State did Andrew Jackson represent as its first Congressman?
a) N. Carolina
b) S. Carolina
c) Tennessee
d) Florida

2) How many times did Andrew Jackson marry Rachel Donelson?
a) Once
b) Twice
c) Thrice
d) Four times

3) Whom did Andrew Jackson kill in a duel?
a) Alexander Hamilton
b) John Sevier
c) Charles Dickinson
d) Jesse Benton

4) For how many years was Andrew Jackson a judge of the Tennessee Supreme Court?
a) Four
b) Six
c) Eight
d) Ten

Presidential $1 Coin Program coin for Andrew Jackson. Obverse. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5) In which battle did Andrew Jackson defeat the British?
a) Battle of Ulm
b) Battle of New Orleans
c) Battle of Asterlitz
d) Battle of Mantua

6) Who was the Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1824?
a) William Blount
b) Henry Clay
c) John Qunicy Adams
d) William H. Crawford

7) Which of the following does not apply to Andrew Jackson?
a) First President of USA to have his Vice President resign.
b) First President of USA to own slaves.
c) First President of USA to be nominated at a national convention.
d) First President of USA to use pocket veto.

A photo of the Andrew Jackson statue in downtown Jacksonville. This is an updated photo to show that the Andrew Jackson statue has moved locations in downtown Jacksonville. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

8) Which State joined USA in 1836?
a) Arkansas
b) Nevada
c) Maryland
d) Massachusetts

9) Which bank’s charter expired in 1836?
a) First Bank of America
b) Bank of the United States
c) Chase Manhattan Bank
d) Federal Bank

10) Where did Andrew Jackson spend his years of retirement?
a) The Inn
b) The Paradise
c) The Hermitage
d) The Club

Andrew Jackson Quiz Questions with Answers

The Battle of New Orleans. General Andrew Jackson stands on the parapet of his makeshift defenses as his troops repulse attacking Highlanders. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) Which State did Andrew Jackson represent as its first Congressman?
c) Tennessee

2) How many times did Andrew Jackson marry Rachel Donelson?
b) Twice

3) Whom did Andrew Jackson kill in a duel?
c) Charles Dickinson

4) For how many years was Andrew Jackson a judge of the Tennessee Supreme Court?
b) Six

5) In which battle did Andrew Jackson defeat the British?
b) Battle of New Orleans

6) Who was the Speaker of the House of Representatives in 1824?
b) Henry Clay

7) Which of the following does not apply to Andrew Jackson?
b) First President of USA to own slaves.

8) Which State joined USA in 1836?
a) Arkansas

The signature of Andrew Jackson. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

9) Which bank’s charter expired in 1836?
b) Bank of the United States

10) Where did Andrew Jackson spend his years of retirement?
c) The Hermitage