Anastasius III Quiz

Pope Anastasius III was a Roman by birth. Almost nothing is recorded of Pope Anastasius III, his pontificate falling in the period when Rome and the Papacy were in the power of Theophylact, Count of Tusculum, and his wife Theodora, who approved Anastasius III’s candidacy. Under his reign the Normans of Rollo were evangelized.
Source: Wikipedia

Anastasius III Quiz Questions

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1. Where was Anastasius III born?
a) Avignon
b) Rome
c) Lyon
d) Babylon

2. What was Anastasius III’s father’s name?
a) Lucian
b) Gratian
c) Hector
d) Conrad

3. When was Anastasius III pope?
a) 898-900
b) 911-913
c) 904-911
d) 900-903

4. Who received pallium from Anastasius III?
a) Stigand
b) St. Malachy
c) Theodulf
d) Ragimbert

5. Where did Anastasius III determine ecclesiastical divisions?
a) Finland
b) Germany
c) Poland
d) Russia

6. Who was the Byzantine emperor during the beginning of the papacy of Anastasius III?
a) Leo VI
b) Basil I
c) Michael III
d) Theophilus

7. Which diocese’s bishop received privileges from Anastasius III?
a) London
b) Paris
c) Pavia
d) Rotterdam

8. Who was the patriarch of Constantinople who wrote a lengthy letter to Anastasius III about dispensation to marry for the fourth time?
a) Ignatius
b) Nicholas I
c) Sergius
d) Photius

9. Where did Anastasius III die?
a) Geneva
b) Rome
c) Lausanne
d) Berlin

10. Who succeeded Anastasius III?
a) Eugene II
b) Valentine
c) Sergius III
d) Lando

Anastasius III Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Where was Anastasius III born?
b) Rome

2. What was Anastasius III’s father’s name?
a) Lucian

3. When was Anastasius III pope?
b) 911-913

4. Who received pallium from Anastasius III?
d) Ragimbert

5. Where did Anastasius III determine ecclesiastical divisions?
b) Germany

6. Who was the Byzantine emperor during the beginning of the papacy of Anastasius III?
a) Leo VI

7. Which diocese’s bishop received privileges from Anastasius III?
c) Pavia

8. Who was the patriarch of Constantinople who wrote a lengthy letter to Anastasius III about dispensation to marry for the fourth time?
b) Nicholas I

9. Where did Anastasius III die?
b) Rome

10. Who succeeded Anastasius III?
d) Lando