
Jean Rhys Quiz

1. Jean Rhys was born under the name: (a) Edith Wharton (b) Gertrude Stein (c) Marguerite Taine (d) Ella Gwendolyn Rees Williams 2. Jean Rhys was born in: (a) France (b) England (c) Dominica (d) Jamaica 3. Rhys's most famous novel is: (a) Wide Sargasso Sea (b) After Dark (c) Good Morning, Midnight (d) Quartet

William Shakespeare Quiz

1) When was William Shakespeare born? a) 23 April 1564 b) 15 July 1580 c) 25 December 1600 d) 1 January 1601 2) Where was William Shakespeare born? a) London b) New York c) Paris d) Stratford-on-Avon 3) Whom did William Shakespeare marry? a) Anne Hathaway b) Mary Tudor c) Jane Grey d) Elizabeth Newson

Palau Quiz

1. When did Palau become independent? a) 15 March 1982 b) 27 April 1976 c) 6 September 1988 d) 1 October 1994 2. Which is the capital of Palau? a) Angaur b) Melekeok c) Tobi d) Peleliu 3. Which is the currency of Palau? a) Yen b) American Dollar c) British Pound d) Euro

Ronald Reagan Quiz

1. When was Ronald Reagan first sworn in as President of USA? a) 20 January 1981 b) 4 November 1980 c) 20 January 1989 d) 4 March 1981 2. When was Ronald Reagan born? a) 6 February 1911 b) 3 April 1912 c) 4 July 1916 d) 25 November 1921 3. Where was Ronald Reagan born? a) Honolulu b) Los Alamos c) New Hampshire d) Tampico

Ashok Kumar Quiz

1. What was Ashok Kumar’s real name? a) Hamid Kham b) Ravi Kapoor c) Kumudlal Ganguly d) Yusuf Khan 2. Wheret was Ashok Kumar born? a) Bhagalpur b) Calcutta c) Durgapur d) Dacca 3. What was Ashok Kumar before he became an actor? a) Driver b) Photographer c) Laboratory Assistant d) Waiter

Nobel Prize 2013 Quiz

Nobel Prize 2013 Quiz Questions and Answers 1) Who won Nobel Prize 2013 for Medicine? a) Niels Finsen b) Paul Ehrlich c) James E. Rothman, Randy W. Schekman, Thomas C. Sudhof d) Albrecht Kossel 2) For what was Nobel Prize 2013 for Medicine given? a) Work on how cells transport molecules b) Treatment of skin diseases with light c) Work on immunity d) Researches in cellular chemistry 3) Who won Nobel Prize 2013 for Physics? a) John William Strutt b) Francois Englert, Peter Higgs c) Gabriel Lippman d) Max Planck

Khawaja Nazimuddin Quiz

Khawaja Nazimuddin Quiz Questions with Answers 1. When was Khawaja Nazimuddin governor general of Pakistan? a) 1948-1951 b) 1953-1955 c) 1971-1975 d) 1956-1958 2. When was Khawaja Nazimuddin born? a) 18 February 1896 b) 21 May 1902 c) 19 July 1894 d) 11 December 1892 3. Where was Khawaja Nazimuddin born? a) Calcutta b) Dacca c) Lahore d) Karachi

Titus Quiz

1. When was Titus Roman emperor? a) 81-96 b) 79-81 c) 69-79 d) 54-68 2. When was Titus born? a) 30 January 14 b) 14 May 20 c) 23 August 32 d) 30 November 39 3. Who was the governor of Syria won over to Vespanian’s side by Titus? a) Marcus Antonius Primus b) Gaius Licinius Mucianus c) Servius Sulpicius Galba d) Marcus Salvius Otho

Australia Quiz

What is the meaning of Australia? Which animal lays eggs? Which Strait separates Australia and Papua New Guinea?

Zora Neale Hurston Quiz

1. In what year was Zora Neale Hurston born? (a) 1891 (b) 1901 (c) 1895 (d) 1905 2. Zora Neale Hurston was a member of which literary movement? (a) Harlem Renaissance (b) Beat Generation (c) Modernism (d) Romanticism 3. Which of the following is NOT a famous work by Zora Neale Hurston? (a) Their Eyes Were Watching God (b) The Awakening (c) Sweat (d) Jonah's Gourd Vine