Alexander Pope Quiz

(This quiz is about British poet Alexander Pope.)

Alexander Pope Quiz Questions

Portrait of Alexander Pope (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) When was Alexander Pope born?
a) 14 March 1751
b) 21 May 1688
c) 11 November 1650
d) 12 December 1700

2) Where was Alexander Pope born?
a) Dublin
b) Glasgow
c) Liverpool
d) London

3) How did being a Catholic affect Alexander Pope?
a) He was exiled.
b) He could not get good education.
c) He was beaten.
d) He was imprisoned.

4) When did Alexander Pope first publish The Rape of the Lock?
a) 1700
b) 1690
c) 1712
d) 1702

Portrait of Alexander Pope (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5) Which of the following books were translated by Alexander Pope into English?
a) Bible
b) Iliad, Odyssey
c) Les Miserables
d) Mater et Magistra

6) Which poem of Alexander Pope was left unfinished?
a) Brutus
b) Cassius
c) Crassus
d) Julius

7) Which disease afflicted Alexander Pope?
a) Tuberculosis of the bone
b) Leukemia
c) Anemia
d) Bulimia

8) Of which club was Alexander Pope a member?
a) Marylebone Cricket Club
b) Scriblerus Club
c) Golf Club
d) All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club

9) When did Alexander Pope die?
a) 29 February 1740
b) 21 May 1744
c) 15 March 1812
d) 1 January 1801

10) Where did Alexander Pope die?
a) Cambridge
b) Greenwich
c) Cardiff
d) Twickenham

Alexander Pope Quiz Questions with Answers

Frontispiece and Titlepage of a 1752 edition of Alexander’s Pope’s translation of The Odyssey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) When was Alexander Pope born?
b) 21 May 1688

2) Where was Alexander Pope born?
d) London

3) How did being a Catholic affect Alexander Pope?
b) He could not get good education.

4) When did Alexander Pope first publish The Rape of the Lock?
c) 1712

5) Which of the following books were translated by Alexander Pope into English?
b) Iliad, Odyssey

6) Which poem of Alexander Pope was left unfinished?
a) Brutus

7) Which disease afflicted Alexander Pope?
a) Tuberculosis of the bone

8) Of which club was Alexander Pope a member?
b) Scriblerus Club

9) When did Alexander Pope die?
b) 21 May 1744

10) Where did Alexander Pope die?
d) Twickenham