Alexander III Quiz

(Alexander III is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Rolando Bandinelli born?
  • Correct Answer: Siena

2. Where was Rolando Bandinelli professor of law?
  • Correct Answer: Bologna

3. Where did Rolando Bandinelli refer to the Holy Roman Empire as a benefice of the papacy?
  • Correct Answer: Beanscon

4. Who was the Holy Roman Emperor during the papacy of Alexander III?
  • Correct Answer: Frederick Barbarossa

5. What name was taken by Cardinal Octavius, the antipope elected by a minority of cardinals in 1159?
  • Correct Answer: Victor IV

6. Where was Alexander III in 1162-1165?
  • Correct Answer: France

7. Which league was formed by Alexander III against Frederick Barbarossa?
  • Correct Answer: Lombard League

8. Where did the Lombards defeat Frederick Barbarossa in 1176?
  • Correct Answer: Legnano

9. Which ecumenical council took place during the papacy of Alexander III?
  • Correct Answer: Lateran III

10. When did Alexander III die?
  • Correct Answer: 30 August 1181