A Midsummer Night’s Dream Quiz

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Quiz Questions

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1.Who is the king of the fairies in the play?
(a) Oberon
(b) Theseus
(c) Lysander
(d) Demetrius

2. Which character is transformed into an ass by Puck?
(a) Lysander
(b) Demetrius
(c) Bottom
(d) Snug

3. Who is the Queen of the Amazons?
(a) Titania
(b) Hermia
(c) Helena
(d) Hippolyta

4. What is the name of the magical flower that causes people to fall in love with the first person they see?
(a) Love-in-Idleness
(b) Nightshade
(c) Moonflower
(d) Forget-me-not

5. Who is the father of Hermia?
(a) Egeus
(b) Theseus
(c) Lysander
(d) Demetrius

6. What is the name of the play within the play performed by the mechanicals?
(a) “Pyramus and Thisbe”
(b) “Romeo and Juliet”
(c) “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
(d) “Hamlet”

7. Who is the mischievous fairy who serves Oberon?
(a) Puck
(b) Titania
(c) Mustardseed
(d) Cobweb

8. What is the name of the forest where most of the action takes place?
(a) Fairyland
(b) Sherwood
(c) Blackgate
(d) Enchanted

9. Who is the Queen of the Fairies?
(a) Titania
(b) Hermia
(c) Helena
(d) Hippolyta

10. Who is the father of Lysander?
(a) Egeus
(b) Theseus
(c) Lysias
(d) Aristocritus

11. Why does Oberon want to use the love potion on Titania?
(a) To punish her for refusing to give him an Indian boy
(b) To make her fall in love with him
(c) To make her fall in love with Bottom
(d) To make her forget her magic

12. Who does Hermia love?
(a) Lysander
(b) Demetrius
(c) Theseus
(d) Nick Bottom

13.Who is a duke who is about to marry Hippolyta?
(a) Oberon
(b) Theseus
(c) Lysander
(d) Demetrius

14. Where do Lysander and Hermia plan to run away to?
(a) Athens
(b) The woods
(c) The fairy kingdom
(d) The sea

15. Who does Helena mistakenly believe is in love with her?
(a) Lysander
(b) Hermia
(c) Oberon
(d) Theseus

16. What is the outcome of the play’s romantic entanglements?
(a) Chaos and confusion
(b) A happy ending with everyone paired up correctly
(c) Tragedy and heartbreak
(d) A stalemate

17. Who is the duke of Athens?
(a) Theseus
(b) Oberon
(c) Demetrius
(d) Lysander

18. What is the name of the Indian boy Titania is unwilling to give to Oberon?
(a) A Changeling Boy
(b) Robin Goodfellow
(c) Mustardseed
(d) Cobweb

19. What is the main theme of the play?
(a) The power of love
(b) The dangers of magic
(c) The importance of dreams
(d) The foolishness of human nature

20. Who plays the role of Pyramus in the mechanicals’ play?
(a) Francis Flute
(b) Nick Bottom
(c) Peter Quince
(d) Robin Starveling

21. Who plays the role of Thisbe in the mechanicals’ play?
(a) Francis Flute
(b) Hermia
(c) Hippolyta
(d) Titania

22. What is the name of the wall in the mechanicals’ play?
(a) The Wall by Tom Snout
(b) The Great Wall
(c) The Pyramus Wall
(d) The Wall of Athens

23. What is the significance of the Athenian law regarding marriage?
(a) It allows for free choice in marriage
(b) It forces people to marry who they don’t love
(c) It forbids marriage between people of different social classes
(d) It requires a dowry from the bride’s family

24. What is the main setting of the play?
(a) A castle
(b) A city
(c) A forest
(d) A beach

25. What is the overall tone of the play?
(a) Serious and dramatic
(b) Lighthearted and comedic
(c) Tragic and sad
(d) Philosophical and deep

A Midsummer Night’s Dream Quiz Questions with Answers

1.Who is the king of the fairies in the play?
(a) Oberon

2. Which character is transformed into an ass by Puck?
(c) Bottom

3. Who is the Queen of the Amazons?
(d) Hippolyta

4. What is the name of the magical flower that causes people to fall in love with the first person they see?
(a) Love-in-Idleness

5. Who is the father of Hermia?
(a) Egeus

6. What is the name of the play within the play performed by the mechanicals?
(a) “Pyramus and Thisbe”

7. Who is the mischievous fairy who serves Oberon?
(a) Puck

8. What is the name of the forest where most of the action takes place?
(a) Fairyland

9. Who is the Queen of the Fairies?
(a) Titania

10. Who is the father of Lysander?
(d) Aristocritus

11. Why does Oberon want to use the love potion on Titania?
(a) To punish her for refusing to give him an Indian boy

12. Who does Hermia love?
(a) Lysander

13.Who is a duke who is about to marry Hippolyta?
(b) Theseus

14. Where do Lysander and Hermia plan to run away to?
(b) The woods

15. Who does Helena mistakenly believe is in love with her?
(a) Lysander

16. What is the outcome of the play’s romantic entanglements?
(b) A happy ending with everyone paired up correctly

17. Who is the duke of Athens?
(a) Theseus

18. What is the name of the Indian boy Titania is unwilling to give to Oberon?
(a) A Changeling Boy

19. What is the main theme of the play?
(a) The power of love

20. Who plays the role of Pyramus in the mechanicals’ play?
(b) Nick Bottom

21. Who plays the role of Thisbe in the mechanicals’ play?
(a) Francis Flute

22. What is the name of the wall in the mechanicals’ play?
(a) The Wall by Tom Snout

23. What is the significance of the Athenian law regarding marriage?
(b) It forces people to marry who they don’t love

24. What is the main setting of the play?
(c) A forest

25. What is the overall tone of the play?
(b) Lighthearted and comedic